The Mercy buff is a buff

With your logic, the Hog changes on the PTR are a nerf, because he used to be much stronger in S4 with his 1 shots.

Thatā€™s your opinion your projecting. I donā€™t know what you are talking about.

Youā€™re saying that the current Mercy buff isnā€™t a buff because she used to be stronger on an older patch.

Thatā€™s the same as saying that the current Hog buffs arenā€™t buffs because he used to be stronger on an older patch.

Are you sure about this?

Creating Mercy was a mistake.

Canā€™t change my mind.

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Oh gee, thatā€™s pretty rough to say. :confused:

this does not stand as an argument. you cant say ā€œthis is a revertā€ and ā€œthis is a nerfā€ simply because what I say goes against what youre saying, both are using passed iterations of mercy.


Blizzard should remove Mercy.

Change my mind.

The people still arguing that this isnt a buff are a joke. We all know she is nerfed from her old must pick state of 11 months, but she is still getting stronger than live version, hence a buff.

They gave you 5.00$ with the first Valk rework

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True, now her ult isnt completely useless

Lol with the money analogies.

If Blizzard was the new gamestop then they would give you a Mercy with no arms or legs.

A revert is having her healing be at 50, the way it was at launch. If we want to do this wordplay, this is a buff from how she was when the game launched.

Heā€™s answering people. Some OP donā€™t and that comment would be fair, but thatā€™s not the case here.

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itā€™s a revert. sorry OP, but it doesnā€™t make it any better

Stupid nerf in the first place if you ask me

Probably for now Mercy is in pre-order