The Mercy buff is a buff

  • I asked for more concussion mines on Junkrat
  • Frost blaster piercing on Mei
  • No dropoff icicles on Mei
  • No 0.1sec hack grace period on Sombra
  • Most of the changes that happened to Roadhog
  • And 50hps on Mercy on the basis of healing per round
  • And for them to focus on making as many heroes be viable as possible.

Also asked for a hero that could use crouch button to quickly fall down to the ground from high up in the sky.

And a hero that instead of healing with health, they would heal with shields, and provide a 75 overheal.

Maybe devs don’t listen, but maybe they do :slight_smile:


Blizzard had a megathread where ideas were moved but they never responded to those ideas. With mass res Mercy was at a point of being balanced, only thing I would of done is damage reduction instead of invuln, but that didn’t stop the unfun brigade to ruin that.

hate? what makes you think I hate mercy?
I personally advocated for mercy buffs, that doesn’t mean the mercy community isn’t being unreasonable.

I personally think mercy needs another rework, and to just drop the valk and rez all together. im not anti mercy, I just love picking apart the redundant and self destroying arguments the mercy extremist post.

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My hero is balanced and no longer a brainless must pick anymore.

change my mind.

I think you need to read it again.

group of people you hate

Not talking about a false assumption that you hate a specific character.

Though we do agree that valk is a trash ult that should be scrapped, correct?

Really doesn’t matter if it’s balanced or not if the devs don’t want to do it.

Is it really that hard to think of something else that works make Mercy fun/balanced?

Yeah, but you’re not the first to tackle it.

That’s just some mental gymnastics to cover up their previous gaff and omitting facts of previous excessive nerf they dubbed “successful.” Then Mercy pick rate/win rate tanked, so they reverted the heals a bit. You even contradict yourself and admit the “buff” is still a net nerf regardless. lol. It’s still two steps back, only one step forward.

But since you did bring up a different topic about Mercy having a “strongest” kit, what do you think it is then? It’s obviously not the current one.

now lets take the full quote so we understand the refrence and what it implies, instead of intentionally cutting things off, because you got served with a plate of “nice of you to assume”

now when you see the full statement, you see the implied statement of “you hate mercy players and are using a blanket statement on them”

I think the stigma behind it has made it to where it will never be accepted by the mercy community, and they will therefor never be happy with it, and that rez has that same stigma with people who don’t play mercy, so its time to scrap both and make something new.

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The guys who get paid the big bucks to do it had utterly failed at it, so apparently the answer is Yes.

I saw a few saying it is only revert, yeah. I also saw some that say it is both, and those that say that it is only a buff.

There are many sides here, not just one… Because a few vocal people say one thing, not everyone that is in that group should be held responsible for them, nor insulted because of them.

May I know who you quoted that from? Or are you talking out of your butt here?

They thought that Mercy was too strong.

They nerfed her.

Then they thought that she got a bit too weak.

So she got buffed.
It’s a buff.

Insta rez valk Mercy.
I kinda based my point around it by saying

She will never be stronger than that, so no matter what they do, it will be a nerf by your logic.

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They ‘didn’t want it’ cause of the complaining.

I mean judging by how Jeff and his crew who makes millions made a rework that turned Mercy OP, it looks like it.

Stop with these ‘Change my mind’ threads. You put no effort into this thread so why do you expect other people to write a paragraph ‘proving’ you wrong? No. Stop.

It’s obvious you just want this thread to get lots of attention without putting in any effort at all.

it you took the time to read the full quote and quote the whole quote instead of intentionally cutting off things to look like a holier than thou warrior youd have read the disclamer below it:

member when I said:

I memba

your entire reply was a long way of asking me to repeat myself.

And yet people are replying, so I’m clearly not the only one that wants to have this conversation, it’s just an easy way to start it.

People are replying because you made a thread with little to no effort about a controversial topic. Of course people are going to reply.

My goal was to start a conversation on a topic that is bothering me.

I achieved that goal, and got my own point across in the replies.

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Alright. But my point still stands. You put no effort into this thread and expect people to write paragraphs for you explaining how you’re wrong. It’s clear this was just for attention. Good bye.

You’re free to leave at any moment.

Btw it’s them making a statement that’s against the facts, so the burden of proof is on them.

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