The Mercy buff is a buff

You’re using their own logic against them.
Can’t argue with that, unless they admit they’re wrong.


Imagine the same bad logic. Nerfing Soldier base rifle damage by -10%. Then giving the damage back on his ULT with +10% rifle damage. What an amazing buff? Sleight of hand, two steps back, but one step forward.


or they will try to say something like “it can be a revert and a nerf/buff at the same time”

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Release mercy did have 50hps. So it IS technically a revert to a very old version of her.

What matters here isn’t whether some people call it a revert or a buff or a nerf, but what it accomplishes.

No, I just need to wait for people to reply due to Blizz’s anti-flood protection.

Secondly, that HPS is irreleant when you consider that Overwatch is a completely different game than it was at launch with heroes such as Doomfist and new Hanzo. We’re talking about reworked Mercy, and not kamikaze mass rez Mercy.

If the devs thought that Soldier was too strong and needed a nefr, and then they decided that the neft he got was a bit too much and buffed him again, but not to the point where he was too strong again, it would still be a buff.


The Mercy community isn’t doing much to help make Mercy fun and balanced besides reposting variations on mass rez replacements. Devs aren’t interested in those, and it’s drawn development around Mercy to a crawl.
Eventually devs just got frustrated, did some quick adjustments to stop Mercy from being overpowered. And started working on other heroes.
They went a little bit much on the Mercy change because of the Ana buff though, so they rolled back some of the last nerf.
Devs will probably get back around to Mercy after they fix Bastion.


it obviously matters a lot since they are trying to champion this “its not a buff stance”

I know not all feel this way, but that’s who is present on the forums.

Alright I got my magic kit trust me it works annnnnnnnd… poof mind change

love the mercy “we don’t want to be op” stance that is put forward, but then they turn around and say “the buff isn’t enough unless its more than what we had when we were op”

this is ofcourse an exaggeration, but I think you get the point.


There are way too many Mercy threads and you didn’t need to make this one. Change my mind.

Now who’s not replying?

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Implying that the devs actually read this forum’s balance suggestions - good one, man.


yea but at least they returned something

let me clarify that, they aren’t saying anything to challenge it.

they are simply saying “it can be both” or ghosting. because they know they have to undermind themselves to argue against it.

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I just wanted to tackle this one specific thing that’s thrown around in all these thread.

don’t forget they only had $0.50 when the game released

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So what you explain isn’t really a buff but revert of excessive nerf then? It’s just playing with semantics to put spin on the original gaff. It’s still two steps back and one step forward. The character is still weaker before excessive nerf that got revert. It’s net nerf regardless.

Well that’s a stupid argument that not every Mery player uses, and it’s more ridiculous to use a blanket statement when describing a group of people you hate.

This mindset is the reason that change is slow. No matter what hero it is, or whatever piece of legislation it is, it is unacceptable that people think “well it’s better than nothing” when being continuously screwed over.

No, after the character gets nerfed, you take that as a base.

Not the one before the change.
With this logic, you’d have to take Mercy at her strongest, which is the one that got released together with Junkertown.

Literally anything would be a nerf compared to that, because she would be weaker than she used to be.