The "Mercy Bingo"

Great vid from Aria as always!


She is counter-arguing, ez

kek How didnā€™t you realized it lmao

Jk, or serious. Text can be difficult to interpret.

Did you get it now tho?

Thanks cutie ~ :purple_heart:


I did!

Thatā€™sā€¦ a fair image. Thumbnail incoming?

Hey! I love your videos too!

Her voice sounds just fine, she sounds like everyone else.

None of us can control how we sound. I think this might have to do with something else other than her voice.

Kisses ~
(also that Mercy pic is adorable!)

Edit: Iā€™m out of likes D:


Thatā€™s okay xD

I hate when that happens gasp

Well, first - we can control how we sound. And itā€™s all the more important if you make living by talking to public.

Second, itā€™s just my opinion. That wonā€™t be taken into account by person in question anyway, so itā€™s all the more irrelevant. If you find her voice fine - good for you. Maybe you can tell me what the actual video is about.

Third - yeah, there is also the fact that she is the icon of mercy spammers, and is pretty toxic herself. I donā€™t have any sympathy for her. It doesnā€™t mean anything in context of her voice evaluation though. There are a lot of people with majestic voices I donā€™t like as well.

What universe do you live in that allows us to change our voice? Please inform me. Iā€™d love to go there.

He has a point that intonation is a thing that can be changed, though difficult if itā€™s become a habit. The thing is, Iā€™m not willing to change the way I speak for a select group of people.



ā€œI donā€™t have time to sit on my censored playing video games all dayā€

But she can spend all her time complaining about video games?

ā€œI donā€™t like to grind a boring game for hours on endā€

Why is she so passionate about a game she doesnā€™t even enjoy playing and finds boring?

I think rank is a somewhat valid argument too, Iā€™m in no way rank shaming but just attempting to point something out. As of 17 days ago, she had 16 hours on Mercy this competitive season, we can only assume it has increased since then (These stats are also showing a lack of playtime on Zen and Ana but Iā€™ll ignore that since it couldā€™ve increased since she made her profile private).

With the knowledge and understanding she describes having, paired with her 16+ hours on this hero I feel like she should be sitting in a better rank. ā€œ16 hours played isnā€™t that muchā€ true, but itā€™s 10 hours more than what I have on the same hero, yet Iā€™m sitting in a higher rank. Assuming she has the same knowledge of this hero as I do, with her longer playtime, shouldnā€™t she be in a higher rank than me? Mercy is a hero whoā€™s based off of game sense and knowledge, almost no mechanical skill. So with knowledge and understanding alone, she should be, at the very least, the same rank as me.

Not only just on Mercy does she have more playtime, but this season in general. Iā€™m sitting at ~19 total hours, where she is minimum 24 hours on this season.

I understand there may be some flaws in my argument, truth be told Iā€™m pretty tired while writing this. Iā€™m just trying to prove that you can achieve and maintain a rank with very limited playtime. Plus she also said that the reason she isnā€™t already at a higher rank is because of a lack of time. To me, this invalidates her.

If I made any mistakes in my logic, feel free to let me know. Iā€™d be happy to discuss in a civil manner.

Iā€™m not trying to insult or flame or start a fight, Iā€™ve written this as respectfully as I think I could. Iā€™m simply posing a few questions about some of the points made in this video. If Aria herself would like to explain them to me then Iā€™d be very happy to hear from her, I like to view as many perspectives as I can so I would greatly value it.

Please note that the comment Iā€™m replying to does not have much relevance to the discussion, Iā€™m only using it because it is her closest post to the top and is most accessible.

Also note that some of the points Iā€™m addressing were made towards the end of the video, which means I actually watched the video. All I ask for in return is that Ariaā€™s fans also respond with the same respect and civility I have shown to you all. Forgive me for referring to Aria in third person, it was done to maintain context in the event she does not respond.


In addition to what she said, thereā€™s a lot of control over voice one can achieve. It just takes a lot of training - something that professional singers do (keyword professional). And thatā€™s without going into things like voice-changing software or physical alterations to vocal cords.

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It took me about 15 minutes to write the script, 10 ish to record/edit and another 10 to make the video. Letā€™s overestimate and say it took me an hour in total to make the video, thatā€™s hardly ā€œAll my timeā€ complaining.

Because I did enjoy it, and Iā€™d like to enjoy it again.

I disagree. The reason I play comp is because itā€™s easier to get a solid team that actually talks, QP has always just seemed like a mess. I play with friends of different ranks/sr to have fun (heck, I play with my 11 year old brother who just got the game), not to grind, so my rank means nothing to me, whereas to others it means something much more.

This will probably bring up a lot of ā€œif youā€™re not in it to solely win, you shouldnā€™t be playing compā€ comments, but I just play the game to have fun. Not to focus on winning every match and grinding to get to some rank I donā€™t care about.


I can understand most of these points, but the fact she said aim is an easy skill to learnā€¦

Oh wow look! Another anti-mercy thread by a person whoā€™s obsessed with mercy and mercy mains!