Me and a friend always duo queue in Competitive , we are both the same rank and maybe it just happened to us but we got to play in Placement matches and after with lvl 25-40 players .
And the other team didnt and if they had , rarely . People in the other team thought the same .
Is it luck based now ?
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Player level is not taken into account in matchmaking.
so you agree it’s broken then?
No, I don’t think it’s broken. For the most part, skill doesn’t correlate strongly to level. When you see a level 25, you don’t know if this is their first computer game, their 10th Overwatch smurf, or a Team Fortress 2 pro that just switched to Overwatch.
On the other hand, just because someone has a silver/gold portrait, doesn’t mean that they are any good.
The only thing that I would change is to use quick play data to help seed new accounts (this is not currently done: Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted) and make the default starting SR closer to mid-silver rather than high gold.
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