The Matchmaking Feels Terrible

I’ve been trying to test out Roadhog after his 1-shot nerf but, I don’t really know where he stands, since the competitive matchmaking is so bad. I’ll keep trying to test his power level in season 3. If there’s no meaningful changes for season 3, then I’ll wait until season 4 when a new support hero shows up.

I’ve dealt with problematic competitive matchmaking before, and it’s terrible. The matchmaking got a lot worst at the tail end of OW1’s life span. For OW2, it’s the same lingering comp matchmaking problem from OW1. But, now it’s happening across all ranks. I like the win/loss/tie thresholds, but it takes too long for my rank to update. My rank update can go up, down or stay the same since it’s counting wins, losses and ties into the rank update.

My biggest problem with the competitive matchmaker is that there has been rolls on either side, consistently and constantly. It’s either an auto loss or an auto win, with no in between. I can’t even tell if I’m playing with silver players, or players of the same skill level. I feels like that I’m playing with bronze, gold and plat players. None of which is in my same skill level. And, when there are balanced games, it’s still roll or get rolled.

If the comp matchmaker doesn’t get better than I’ll just wait for the next new hero. I want to climb in ranked but, the matchmaker is pushing me away from the game. Quick play is a lot better than comp. But, even unranked has the same “roll or get rolled” problem in it as well.

I think the matchmaker should go off of my rank, instead of the artificial climb back to the pervious rank with harder games. The matchmaking should be 3 skill tier divisions below and above my shown rank. So, the games feel more fair. If the current rank shown is my skill level, for now, then it should be good. Why isn’t my matchmaker rating syncing up with my shown rank? Anyway, I hope the comp matchmaking gets fixed, or I won’t play comp until later.


Interesting you point that out. Now that I think about it, I remember the quality of the matchmaker in OW1 becoming so much better once I reached gold rank in OCE region. Now in OW2, the matchmaking feels like a flip coin even in gold now.

It feels terrible because it is. Somehow even worse than OW1 matchmaking.

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