The main problem with 6v6, and why it can't be the main mode


what? barelly anyone’s cooldown was adjusted in OW1 especailly early OW1 prior to death ball, even then I don’t beleive anyone’s cooldown was lowered outside of reverts of them being raised.

Well i miss 6v6. It worked fine for years.

OW1 = Kendrick Lamar
OW2 = Drake

Scientifically proven 5v5ers are Degrassi Watching OVO Supporters.

OW2 is Minorrrrr…

I would argue it worked up till the community figured out dive, at which point it was down hill because we knew what to look for in an optimal meta.

And that’s a genie you can’t put back in the bottle when your working with a format that inherently can create scenarios were most of the cast isn’t remotely playable. And by default ended in mostly mirror matches every given meta.

Most of the cast isnt playable now in 5v5
It doesn’t matter. They needed full reworks from release. 5v5 is a beta and we are tired of it

6v6 had a higher skill ceiling and other options for none main tanks.

Reaper literally serves no purpose without a second tank to bust.

Bunker comps and builders are basically useless.

Snipers are not allowed to snipe

Tank set up synergy for ultimates which are completely gone as well

Its been hitscan denial support and tank of the month and that wont change in this format. Its predictable old and boring. And it wont change because there isnt enough options currently.


Yes they are.

We are in a “soft” meta, because the best heroes are just those that are performing the best individually. And usually only in specifically the highest ranks. As in their isn’t any specific fixed comp.

And as long as your good getting kills, and or setting them up for your teammates. Then you are a fucntional hero in OW2.

In OW1 you needed to have the very specific tools that could ult combo around the meta comp. The very specific tanks that can cover each others weaknesses and weren’t nerfed into the ground / were given a brig equivalent to force them out of the game. And the supports that would best set up and sustain the tank linup.

Ult combo’s are still a thing dude. And can easily wipe a team in one go without issue.

it’s just that its not a hard requirement for you to kill the enemy team. As like the only way you were really breaking those old OW1 meta duo’s was through an ult combo. Were as now your actual kit is more then capable of getting it’s own kills consistently.

Mean while in actual top 500 games…

You mean with perfect players. Which is curse of Overwatch series, as it’s constantly being balanced around hypothetical players, that are either rare or entirely fictional.

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Are they going to actually address it, though? That’s what I’m curious about. Are they going to address issues people have with 5v5 or just say “The data shows we’re right in the goals we set, go away”?

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Their far from perfect, be it does come down to how the enemy plays around them more so then them failing because of their own mistakes.

I mean ya that’s what balance is for, it’s to even out the extremes of what the higher end can do in alot of cases. To open up more space for other heroes to be played in that space.

it’s rare that said balance actually has an effect on lower levels of play, and for said levels to even understand the impact of such.

it’s usually only the giant sweeping changes that have a noticeable effect on lower ranks.

Second option is nearly guaranteed. Developers never were big on admitting their mistakes, preferring to double down instead.

It’s almost like they know something you don’t, and they have future plans they also need to be concerned about and not just whatever the first reactions of the community are.

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Wait wait wait.

Mei is a direct Mercy Rez counter?!

I said it in another thread, but tank counters exists in the game now as if Tanks can do this at this moment. Anti heal, discord and what not are prime examples. I think that if Tanks were weaker, but there were two of them, that would work out in a way that balances counters against them too.

Seriously: Reinhardt is weak to Anti and Sleep, but Zarya can cleanse Anti against her self and her ally. That means Anti doesn’t need a nerf at all. Sleep doesn’t get changed at all (and they can’t guard it unless they expend an ability), and the game moves on in a more healthy direction. Same for Discord and such. And we can scale that to other tanks, and heck, other heroes.

Widow would be even less of an issue, and so would Sombra due to more eyes looking out for her. And, look ma! No nerfs!

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Usually those are plans of someone with delusions of grandeur.

Makes too much sense, so probably will never happen.

Literally how is this any different than, say, an Ana pairing up with Zen or Lucio to make up for their low single target healing?

Or how hitscan dps’ cover for projectile dps’ unreliable anti-air offense?

Actually, let’s use Tanks in the current 5v5 as an example.
How is it any different than Kiriko pairing up with Mauga to cleanse CC off of him, or quite literally any tank for that matter?

Well, tanks are different due to a large health pool and abilities that displace people. So. Its easier to stop other heroes’ synergies when compared to tanks.

So what yoy are telli g me is that in 6v6 tanks players that wete playing a team game could work together to cover each others weaknesses and not lose a 2v1 vs a squishy?


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They were actively encouraged to, as their kits often were like two pieces of puzzle you put together.

Yep you can break the distance check that rez has either by lifting mercy or the rez orb. They also end up confused when it happens.

Keep in mind that these counters were made back in a time where like any spaghetti of a team was being played. OW was a lot more Tf2 in it’s early days then when the meta’s start forming. So like ya a single hero was suppose to be able to give you advantages over another single player. And then you say also have a counter to that hero at the same time to counter pick around such.

And the effectiveness of such haven’t really changed for the most outside of say multiple sources of beam damage now existing against genji/


It seems like your burning to much of your barrier an not leaving enough for you to break LOS when nadded.

Be it I would aggree in general that many CC sources should have individual tuning when applied to tanks or specific heroes. Because something like hinder or hack will just turn off a doom / ball.

Be it unless like the enemy is dropping an ult on you tanks should be able to live through most sleeps without much issue.

Also like… widow shouldn’t be an issues for tanks.

Eh not exactly, only a few very specific duo’s could comepletely wipe out anothers weaknesses. it’s why dive was so big for so long as their wasn’t another duo that could synch up like this. Till like orisa hog was a thing. then sigma.

Most tanks just don’t have explicite synergy that last more then like a couple of seconds or requires a lot of communication to work like zarya Otherwise you just DM’ing a zarya bubble and starving your partner of resources.

Sometimes it can’t be avoided due to people swapping to counter you, but I’m also not a professional player or anything. Also, Ana players can anti a wall behind you and hit you, but shield management can help there. And, of course, it depends on your team covering for you and stuff.

Anyway, you said something interesting here:

I think Overwatch should go back there. Personally, I think Overwatch failed as a competitive game due to inherent mechanics. And it also can’t be an uber aim focus tac-shooter because of those mechanics.

I meant Widow wouldn’t need a nerf in general. People are still upset at widow’s one shot, so I wanted to remind people that she was made in a time where there were healthy counters to Widow. Shields, a spare tank to get her, and stuff. I don’t always make suggestions for one narrow thing, its more like “If you buff A, you can deal with B and C at the same time. But if you nerf B, A and C could suffer”.

Why as a rien should you every have you back that close to a wall? Like I don’t want to nit pick but this shouldn’t really happen if your positioning right.

It never was or is that, nor is that what TF2 is.

That is genre far removed what OW is doing even now in 5v5, at least outside of really specific like widow v widow interactions. Like tracer alone keeps the game from ever delving into that direction.

Ok in 5v5 we as close to that as possible in a format with role structure. Like how some of tf2’s comp modes work.