The main problem with 6v6, and why it can't be the main mode

The main reason they should give back 6v6, above anything else, is to show people how wrong they are about how 6v6 doesn’t magically make Tank 200% more popular.

Much less, how the October 2020 patch wasn’t even that good. It was just OWL playing on a different patch, and 2 metas were perceived to be bad due to some balance Sig/Brig and Hog, so nobody knew what to play without scrim meta holding their hands, for a good 2 extra weeks more than usual. But then on a near identical patch in December 2020, it was a hard Sig/Brig meta. It was entirely a placebo effect.

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Because nothing can get the sheer number of licenses dbd has in a reasonable amount of time AND make a game worth playing over it. It’d take several years to create a game that wouldn’t instantly die, and several more to seriously compete with dbd.

The time and cost investment just isn’t worth it.

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dude; literally the game was designed with 6v6 in mind; with the original visionaries of the game saying nope to 5v5 and 7v7… the game doesn’t function well enough 5v5. go back to 6v6 and balance shuut out. it’s not that hard. this game will die (maybe not) because of 5v5 and also because of corporate interests, and the lack of creatives. it’s just a money game at the moment.

With 6v6 Open Queue in mind.
Which is fine if you’re advocating for 6v6 Open Queue.

But doesn’t help your argument for 6v6 Role Queue.

ok; just role queue then; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know who the heroes were who were overtuned…

You say that,

  1. I’ve personally spent like 400+ hours trying to solve 6v6 Balance, and it’s a mess. You’re basically gonna be stuck with Dive perma-meta and very low Tank usage variety. Along with very low Tank popularity, so even if the queue times aren’t bad, the vast majority of games are gonna have 3-to-4 DPS. It’s gonna be hyper-scuffed with no fix.
  2. Apparently it is beyond most people’s mental capabilities to understand that Role vs Role Balance doesn’t exist in Role Queue during a match. At no point in time, during the entire match, do you ever have the Choice to swap between Reinhardt to either Genji or Ana. It doesn’t exist. That’s not a thing. The idea that you need to “Balance the Choices” between Choices that do exist, and Choices that don’t exist. Is just wrong. Objectively wrong.

Whoa, hold on, sir. Manage those expectations there. There’s still every chance that the upcoming blog is simply a breakdown of how queue times strangled 222 RQ. Don’t be seduced by hope. Stupid sexy hope.


Because variety comes from supports, not tanks. Get us “overpowered” support, that works with any tank/DPS, and you will have any tank/DPS present in game.

With tanks being mostly DPS anyway, it all comes down to keeping them, among other DPS, in one piece. If support has issues with that, now you have limits on viable tanks.

If a change back to 6v6 does come back it would be with a slew of balance patches to compliment it.

Sadly it won’t come back.

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I see it more like “turn Tank hardcounters into softcounters”.

And then after that’s done, then probably lower Tank HP a bit.

They didn’t have to retune anything in 6v6 they only had to balance certain characters. OW2 just added more characters, good luck with balancing now

Endless collaborations, no matter how much they break the game.

Tbf, not really true. It certainly was that way once they removed the literal facecamping at the start, but it’s honestly just gone through different metas, flip flopping between which side is favoured to the point that now it’s down to map RNG. :joy: Trash game, anyway.

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It’s. Literally. The. Point.

Tanks are weaker and if out of position and forced to 1v1 a DPS, they can actually lose, but in turn they get to combine abilities together in order to form actual tactical gameplay that benefits the team.

It’s not hard to comprehend, lol.


And now that tanks lack the ability to layer abilities in a way that removed nearly and all built in weaknesses of each other, it’s ultimately created a scenario where all it can take is one counter-swap and your tank is instantly throwing if they don’t swap themselves. Not only that, but several characters outside of the tank roster who were balanced by the presence of two tanks received major gigabuffs upon the removal of one. Zenyatta, Widowmaker, Ana and Tracer all benefited and received zero nerfs coming into OW2, meanwhile weaker tank busters like Reaper and Bastion did.
Womp womp 6v6 is better

OW is nothing like TF2 in terms of countering. TF2 is purely an aim-based game with very few abilites. Pyro doesn’t instantaneously counter Spy because Spy can still instakill Pyro. Spy doesn’t instantaneously counter Engineer because Engineer can still blast him when he goes to sap. Scout doesn’t instantaneously counter Sniper because good enough aim always counters speed.
Doomfist is instantly countered by a Sombra playing defensively and just waiting for Doom to dive and is throwing if he doesn’t swap.

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Ah yes it is “working”, as in there is practically zero tank players left, the only ones who pick tank now are those who wanna dodge dps queue times and they just insta lock Hog or Mauga… “but 5v5 is working” then why are we seeing a decline season by season, everyone saying the game feels worse, and there are constant debates on how to “fix the game”?

If the game actually was working in 5v5, we wouldn’t have a new round of “please fix this game Blizzard” every single week from major parts of the community and playerbase.

Saying 5v5 is working is literal gaslighting.


This has never been stated, ever. Not a single time, not by the devs, and not as a general player consensus either.

The move to 5v5 was specifically to shortcut a way to save queue times initially by not having to deal with the declined tank player numbers after OW1 had been left to rot for over 2 years in an unbalanced CC hell (of which tanks took the majority of the upfront pressure by nature of the role regardless of format).

5v5 cut the needed playerbase in half for the role, and it meant they only had to worry about fixing one tank which to them at the time seemed like a better idea since it saved time upfront that they could spend on PVE for example, tho we all know how that went anyways.

Not a single time has Aaron and his team said that 6v6 was the reason people found tank unfun to play. Not once. So maybe we should stop lying when we make posts and comments against 6v6, it would help the discourse not turn into a toxic hellscape where 6v6 is seen like a cult, and 5v5 is seen like gaslighting lying frauds.


And numbers of tanks declined, because they weren’t fun to play, magnet for all CC and damage possible. Move to 5v5 didn’t aim to fix that, only to somewhat reduce number of tanks required(which still ended up going down).


Regardless of everything at hand, and good talking points.

IN the perfect world 5s would work just fine.

BUT… Since this game functions in the realm of a VERY busted and broken match maker. and it being a “F2P” game. 6s may save this problem and even 7s.

The trade off really though is in the realm of the game needing to be a 5 1/2 player vs 5 1/2 player. (just being funny :stuck_out_tongue: )

But regardless…

Because of an ODD number, matches snowball. But sometimes things do need to snowball in order to shift the progress of the fights.

Ultimately a 5 match seams to always be snowballed one way or another. And 6s it was less likely to snowball right away within the first fight of a match.


I’m inherently talking about all the things the tool allows you to do while it’s up.

your comparing a highly limiting tool that is ice block, to DM. And ignoring all the fact your stabled to the ground with one. And are completely able to kill things with another.

Like you can’t compare abilities without taking into account the heroes their attached to.

it’s not.

People that one trick a hero all the up to top 500 commonly play into their counters, and simply just learn the match ups. And still win well over 60% of their games.

And simply learned which tools to save for when the enemy does X, and which tools to use when the enemy y is gone to kill them.

Like a can play out of the range of a zarya and force fights around corners, into highground or behind the zarya’s team. Where you can in fact still kill that sym or any support in the back line. OR god forbid follow up on the damage your team is doing and target the already half dead heroes.

This whole post can be counterd with “Cool Downs” CD’s in OW1 were more punishing. They kept lowering them leading to Death ball