The longer we let braindead tanks stay meta

The more flocks of tank players will leave the game.

The longer we stay in 5v5… the more flocks of tank players will leave the game.

If we’re going to stay in 5v5, at the very least… stop making and keeping the most mind numbingly braindead, nuisance heroes meta in the tank role. Nerf orisa, nerf hog, nerf mauga (even more).

The tank role is arguably at it’s worst, it was also arguably at it’s worst last season… and the season before that… and the season before that. The tank experience, genuinely keeps nosediving with each passing patch. That is ridiculous.

News flash if you didn’t get it already:

Tank players do not want to keep playing the same 3 braindead tank heroes that you keep forcing into the meta!!!

We’re on orisa meta number 43 at this point, for no reason. Get this character, OUT OF THE GAME. She’s designed horribly, isn’t fun to play as, and isn’t fun to play against. That goes for hog too. That goes for mauga too. Sigma as well, although less than specifically those 3.

Like are we just going to keep on this path til inevitably just have 3 people playing tank? I do not understand. No one wants to play the role. It’s awful.


What’s stopping you from playing a different tank? The meta?


Oh I can play a different tank, until the opposing side goes the meta braindead one and gets free value while playing with their toes.

What I play, doesn’t matter, if the opposing side is still going to play the meta braindead hero.


So if you go the “meta braindead” tank, what does that make you?

I… don’t play the meta braindead tank?


There ya go!

Are we unable to read? Did you not understand what I told you?


It does not technically matter because people will call the meta tanks “braindead” regardless. If Doomfist was meta, everyone would pretend that Doom is the easiest tank evah and takes absolutely negative skill.

Perhaps Reinhardt and Winston are immune to this behavior. But even then people would get tired of them before too long.


It does matter though because tank players themselves, know and understand the scale of difficulty when it comes to these heroes. The whole problem is tank players themselves, literally leaving the role or the game entirely, because the tank experience is miserable.

The same 3 mind numbingly stupid tanks controlling the role on a consistent basis, is a big reason why. Their is zero variety and it makes no sense as to why we should be having THIS many orisa metas. It’s nonsensical.


Not really. Doom has been meta for the last few seasons, and people don’t pretend he’s easy.

Orisa, Hog, Mauga are braindead. No one wants them to be meta.


No… he hasn’t. ???

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He was the single most played tank in masters and GM last season. He’s been one of the 3 most played tanks in high ranks since season 6.


I agree with you but lets be real Mauga is pretty brain dead.

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Again… no. he wasn’t? We’re in an orisa meta currently which has been a thing since mauga got nerfed, and before this mauga was meta, and before that sigma, and before that mauga again, and before that sigma again.

It’s been the same heroes. Doom has been up there sure, but definitely not meta. The ACTUAL meta tank heroes being straight up doom counters, does not help him in the slightest though.

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Sounds like a load of repetitive nonsense, but let’s see…

If you wanna deal with the smelly horse, I recommend not going for her in the first place. Go for the people easier to kill or better yet, the people keeping her alive! It’s not like she has a big shield to protect them! You could also wait out her cooldowns. If you were to say… play Doomfist… or Hog… or Junkah Queen… and anticipate gold, ignore the spin or… “tank” the javelin. Of course “tanking” is the job us tanks do best, but somehow you still lose, right? Have you checked your position? Have you checked your health? is it really smart to dive headfirst into the immovable object?

And even so, this is all implying that it’s the tank going after the other tank! you have a whole squadron with you that can help with them. I find Junk and Sojourn and Cass to be incredible tank busters, maybe even better than the reaper guy, whether it’s against the horse, the pig or The Rock. And if they’re having trouble, see paragraph 1. Use that ping system or better yet that microphone you certainly don’t use and control the situation.

Are you worried people are not going to play tank? Boy, we have A Hamster Ball of Doom, Punchy the Death Robot, The Rock and Reinhardt. Sure, they’re not “meeeeeta” but that shouldn’t stop you from playing them and… working around your team and theirs… playing the map… gitting gud?

And yes, I get it. That doesn’t make them any less braindead, right? Well, sure. I guess. Then again, if you play smart, and not like the gold player you probably are you can make any tank braindead. I’ve had some pretty damn good games as MC Hammer himself, and not too little might I add, and that’s only this season. Secondly, if you wanna shout about heroes being broken, I beg you, and anyone else who reads this, to highlight the specific problem and provide ideas. Ranting like this, over and over again gives half-***ed patch notes at best, and absolutely nothing but a crappier attitude at worst! So, instead of making a post that is just there for people to agree with you, be constructive!

For example! Orisa’s fortify is quite the overloaded ability! Though the fact it makes her nigh unstoppable, which is a very useful part of the kit, it gives her a lot of other things that she doesn’t necessarily need to sustain. Things we could do is remove the overhealth entirely, and lessen or even remove the reduction on her overheat. She should still have plenty of ways to not die as well as a team to back her up. (Sometimes, I feel like people forget that this is a team game.) Reducing the blockage on her overheat might force players who are playing her “braindead” to be punished for their “braindead” strategies.

Just a thought! Unlike the OP which has little to no thought!

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I apologize, you’re right. DVa barely edged him out. He was the second most played. Doom had a higher pick rate than Orisa, Sig, Mauga, or Hog in season 9 though

Orisa just feels more oppressive because she’s miserable to play as or against, and Orisa is currently the most picked tank.

I have a friend who can absolutely dominate as Doomfist. We run into ponies often and they don’t scare him none!

Literal nonsense.

No here asked for counterplay to orisa, that has nothing to do with what is being talked about. the hero is meta… that’s the end of that. The hero is meta for a reason.

The hero is mindless value. Requires little to no actual brain power to achieve success with, and is just flat out boring to play against. It’s unengaging.

Again… more literal nonsense.

Again… like I told you before. What I choose to play, does not matter if the enemy team is still going to just play the braindead meta tank hero. It means nothing. The experience is still miserable because the enemy tank is still playing the braindead tank hero.

So again… literal nonsense.

And it’s a fact… tank population is dwindling. tank players are leaving the role or the game entirely.

Oh so we’re going to just insult now. Ok. I promise you, I am of much higher rank than you. The sooner we realize what I’m saying is beyond a “skill issue” and has nothing to do with ranks or player talent, the farther we can move in this conversation.

The tank population is dying and HAS been dying. Because the tank experience is god awful and keeps getting worse.

The constant pushing of the easiest tank heroes to farm value on, into the meta, is a massive part of the problem. It’s boring, unengaging characters controlling the role. The game ends up melting down to boring mirror matchups, because of overly oppressive easy to play heroes controlling the role.

The specific problems have been noted by every tank player CONSISTENTLY, for nearly TWO YEARS OF OW2 now.

It’s mind numbingly easy tank hero design and it keeps being pushed into the meta through buffs. Orisa is mind numbingly easy. You don’t die, FOR FREE. Mauga, mind numbingly easy. Hog, mind numbingly easy.

It’s tank heroes, that are a mission in and of itself to kill, while providing massive value, with little to no effort. It’s heroes who basically baby the player with just “I don’t die” buttons. It’s just bad.

i play dva as that is where i started off and she works with me best i havent tried mauga as i cant stand him

Not true. Tank players love this meta. More tank platers have joined the game this season than any prior season. They all think Orisa is a ton of fun and appreciate the stability she brings! This is a golden age of tanking!

Arguing is so easy when you make up facts that feed your own feelings of self importance!