The latest Mercy nerf is the most disgusting of all for me

Fortunately, I don’t want a revert. :wink:

Literally every time I comment on a Mercy post, they’re coming around acting like the devs didn’t say what they said and picking an argument.

And the thing is, they’re not even being civil about anything they’re saying. They’re being argumentative.

I mean look at this. How can anyone consider this civil?


Revert means Mass rez coming back.

You can’t have one without the other. This means Mass rez is surely not coming back according to that quote.


Your argument suddenly crumbles…

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If you would explain where or what is the flaw, i may have a disscusion with you.

Please explain.

“You are wrong because i say so”

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It’s not worth it.

This perticular player has a very… different view of logic. Just wait, a contraband of Mercy mains will come and like all their posts as well.

Surely, others have explained it for you. No? Okay let me briefly explain.

Mass Resurrect with changes and a new E ability is not a revert. A revert would be to go back to a version of Mercy that previously existed. As far as I know, Mass Resurrect with a cast time, LoS fixes and burst heals with a new E ability has never been in any version of Mercy. Furthermore, the context in that quote is plan. Their “plans” could’ve easily changed.


Why is everyone always argumenting with:
“Devs ansvered you numerous times, you are just pretending like they did not.”

I mean, such people either are not really aware of what they are talking about or are such [insert anything with IQ of a rock or lower] who think that providing a Yes/No answer on Why/How questions is logically correct and can be seen as a conversation.

Seriously… Do you guys really feel like your stand is based on logic? Because it doesn’t seem like it at all.


Stop in-directing and move along.

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I’ve placed my bet on the self regen, but with how people complain about GA it wouldn’t surprise me if they increased the CD another second.

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This is where nobody’s gonna respond to you. Being a toxic jerk isn’t a way to make your argument any more valid.

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Dude, stop.

The devs said clearly that they don’t plan on reverting Mercy. They may have changed their minds since then, but we don’t know, so we have to listen to the latest official statement, which is “Mercy no revert”.

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It’s still Mass Rez (which is the reason for the rework in the first place)

If the old Symmetra was changed to teleport 12 players instead of 6, that is not a rework or a different version of Symm.

Based on the recent changes, do you think any “plan” has changed?

“But that doesn’t mean mass rez isn’t coming back” ~ BadWidowEU.

Also, where is that statement? Is it a video?

Don’t worry. This argument doesn’t need to get any more valid than it already is.
And you know… After such a long time, sorry for a bit of irony in my posts.
Because the whole situation is anything but funny :neutral_face:.

There you go :

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A revert doesn’t HAVE to mean mass-rez coming back, it can just mean resurrect as an ABILITY & Valk going away :man_shrugging:

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Oh. That one.

I’ve already linked that one. However, that’s not new or “relevant” so Mercy’s act like it doesn’t exist.

i’d like an instant invulnerable single-man Resurrection as an ultimate with a charge rate similar to moira’s, with a defensive E ability that will add FINALLY some “spice” into mercy’s gameplay


50/50 really. Blizzard is really unpredictable. Take notice of the heals nerf.

2 things. Don’t label is as a revert because mass Resurrect with changes and an e ability is definitely not a revert. Secondly, the 2 reasons for the rework are basically moot now. Why? Disheartening to play against is incredibly subjective so I don’t see that as a reason (you may). “Hide n Res” would not be happening with the changes Titanium listed (which is what I want).