if i could describe clash in one word it would be: unfair
there are multiple problematic elements with clash.
1: counterswapping
although counterswapping is a game wide issue clash truly has the worst of it. if you win the first fight you lose the second. if you then don’t counterswap back you lose the entire game. there is not enough breathing room for counterplay or proper ult exchange the gamemode is simply too fast and unforgiving. clash is a gamemode that simply cannot function well in 5v5 as it rewards counterswapping far more then actual skilled play.
2: steamrolling
another issue is that clash turns into a steamroll fest instantly. even the devs have put a safety net for this at the last point which requires more capture time. the problem here lies with the “safety net” clearly clash creates issues if it needs a safety net. why launch a gamemode that creates issue or cannot function properly? the safety net is also incredibly in the losing teams favor.
hanaoka is not a well designed map. unlike hanamura almost all sideroutes and high ground is completely non existent on hanaoka. this creates a brawl heavy map with little to none tactical play. some heroes need maps in order to play into counters. for instance dva on dorado will play better into zarya then on new junk city. hanamura used to have dominant enough high ground more then just brawl could be played. hanaoka doesnt grant the player options and is incredibly forced. on the contrary throne of anubis does a good job of recapturing temple of anubis and grants the player ample high ground and off angles.
4: forcing the gamemode
we have learned from push that players don’t like to be forced to play a specific gamemode too much. they are forcing clash in order to collect data and player response which is good for them but players will get sick of this mode before long especially how unfun the mode is to play. if clash is too last in ow shoving it down the players throat is not the way to do it.
5: the lack of proper teamplay
ow2 teamplay is practically non existent. its a 4v4 deathmatch with 2 raidboss tanks on the map. what does this have to do with clash? well everything. this gamemode isn’t built for teamplay. its built for individual players and their agency. a tug of war is always decided by the stronger team and the stronger team is the team that counterswaps and plays the broken characters. with clash being so unforgiving and fast it leaves no room for a player to devise a plan to attempt a recap. pressing H instantly gets value where using your brain and playing together will not overcome a snowball.
all with all i think clash will do more damage to overwatch then it will do good. for once let the overwatch team not be the overwatch team and remove this gamemode.