The idiotic idea that is 3-2-1

solo tanking is exactly the reason so many tank players left the game. unless the buff all of the tanks to be almost OP, i can confidently say there’s going to be another mass exodus of tank players. so the plan is to “fix” dps q times by making tank players lives a living hell? smart idea.
I say this as a dps player and a tank player: don’t do it


I think it is implied that Tanks would be buffed.
In my head my idea of Tank was always of the man that fight till the death even after his comrades are dead. Imagine a 1000/1200 hp (or more) monster that can hold its own. That would be awesome.

That said i think that i would rather prefer to just add a seventh player to both teams 2/3/2 at that point. Even tanks needs buddies.

It would be an opportunity to rework the maps a bit (that in my opinion are the worst maps in every fps ever)


This idea has been proposed as the “raid boss tank” idea before. Honestly, I don’t like it. I don’t want to, and I don’t think most players don’t want to, play a hero that wins fights just because they have enormous numbers, not because of skill. People want to play the fast, responsive, mechanically based heroes, not the hulks - generally speaking.

The tanks that most people want to play are generally the off tanks, which are the least raid bossy.




It is very obvious they would buff tanks to be better at self-sustain and nerf the anti-tank heroes and probably offer a tank-wide cc resistance or at least some cc negation on supports

It is extremely unlikely 3/2/1 would be like flipping a switch

Remembers devs releasing 2/2/2 and Sigma at the same time

…I may regret these words


Those people are not tank mains. Since when did tanks take skill? Beyond Hammond, and maybe old school Dva?

Do not get me wrong, they do take a lot of skill, but not mechanically. They have always won team fights by being broken, basically.

I thought the tank players left post Role Queue, so which one is it?

59 shots, 1 kill,

Roadhog is aim based, and Zarya requires good tracking. Most of the tanks are honestly more mechanically skilled than they get credit for.


I agree… being a monster is neither fun or challenging, there is a reason why in each videogame you are not the boss

Not really, though. Hog is ez mode and Zarya takes more skill to know when to bubble than aiming a beam bigger than Moira’s.

Okay Mr.Private profile. So every tank is ez mode
I learned a thing or two today


No, Hammond and Dva are mechanically difficult and ALL tanks take immense skill. Just not mechanically. Trust me, I play a lot of Hog. Easiest one shots in the game by far and I play Hanzo.

Zarya, that is the issue. I lack the skill to actually get charged. But once I am, you are like an unstoppable force. I have no clue how people miss with her, but she has my highest accuracy in comp because, like you would need to be trying to miss.

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The tank line up needs more choices.

There’s only so many combinations tanks can do and even less viable ones.

Throw in Mauga for a berserker barrier braker, have Junkerqueen be an aoe flamethrower hero or a tank with smoke grenades to conceal his team or distort the enemy teams aiming.

Give the tanks more choice for counter play that’s beyond mirroring.

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Personally: Off tanks well played are great.
Off tanks (if well played) serve as a buffer for anyone one the team and allow for a lot more freedom.
Zarya is the best example: DPS peeking with bubble, Support dived --> bubble, tank playing aggressive --> bubble

Off tanks provide a unique way of peeling and can make every other spot on the team more enjoyable

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It’s dumb.

DPS queue times aren’t some void that tanks have to be reworked around. It’s obscene.

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But… Yes they are?


Tracking a target with a beam and aiming with Road’s shotgun are comprehensive in the mechanical skills though.
Yeah they are easier to aim compared to other more skill required multiplayer games but i’d argue that by design every hero in OW is easier from an equivalent in another game.

Ultra NUCLEAR take:
If you cant actually solo Tank with a Main Tank, you were never a good tank in the first place.

I said it.

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how long has 222 been out compared to any pick 6v6?

I think it’s too early to change what was massively requested, because many of the changes were created for 222.

Going to 321 is going to require another year+ to iron out.

The problem, that was hurting 222 was the decay for years, which hurt many players from climbing, or was burnt out on top of all the changes that made some of the tanks very difficult to use, esp. those who want to play specific tanks were not meta.

when you have limited roles to play and your tank of choice is not working anymore, you will most likely not want to play tank anymore.

Game has been adjusting so much around Community request to nerf or change meta, the tank players who wanted to play their favorite characters, were forced out / required to play different tanks they probably didn’t want to play, due to over emphasis on picking Meta all the time.

Meta Driven Rank is making players upset, I’m over here enjoying what ever you pick in QP.

No one cares about tank players. Anything that can lower DPS queue times automatically gets a huge ‘yes’.

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I do not disagree. It is all relative, and to that end, tanks relative to dps are just easier mechanically. They are also much more difficult cerebrally. I am not trying to throw shade at tanks, they have their own skills, but they were clearly not designed to be mechanically difficult.

Zarya took more tracking before the beam buffs to be fair. It is just kind of a joke nowadays. Hog’s shotgun is a bit more difficult. But I was mostly talking about hook. That hitbox is LUDICROUS even by Overwatch standards.