The Hypocrisy with Mercy/Why a Rework would be healthier for the game


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Deluded? really? you simply lack the ability to process logic, if your so called main is something that you despise why in the world would you play it? do you love what you hate? is black white???

And a particular rework suggestion obtained nearly 500 upvotes in less than a week.

Pretty sure that 479 > 25.

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Oh my gosh… I main Mercy because I am the best with her. Does that mean I enjoy playing her? Of course not…

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I literally just said I love the hero, but I just hate how they’ve been treated and how horribly balanced they are.

You can do that, you don’t have to love how your main performs in order to actually main them. I know people that main heroes and don’t even enjoy the hero in any shape or form anyway.

THEN DON’T PLAY HER and let those who DO enjoy her

Are you deluded? Why would I not play Mercy when I am the best with her in comparison to other heroes?

So now you’re telling us to stop playing a hero we love because we don’t like how they’re being treated?



because you hate her state, you said yourself /caps

That doesn’t mean I should stop playing her… All I’m doing is simply addressing her problems. Surely that is alright, right?

The developers hardly ever show signs of anything, especially not when they are going back on one of their previous comments. Typically, they like to scurry around that.

Not when we have proof that they literally just changed their minds on one thing about Mercy not too long ago.

“We don’t think Mercy needs changes right now.”


While I am not opposed to any of this, do keep in mind that the whole point of blizzards nerfs were to make her not OP and not a must pick. When thinking of reworks, try to keep it balanced to the point where other healers are just as good of picks as she is. That is the main issue with these threads, they just want mercy to be OP again.

Yes, we hate her current state balance-wise.

Everyone has been there with their hero at least some point before. Whether it’s because they’ve been off-meta or their kits are just horrible in practice.

so what you’re saying is that you are fine with her state you just dislike how she’s been treated, but you like where she is now? no, you dislike her state, you dislike devs and yet you play a game you hate with a hero you hate, get out of here already

Mass Ress with LoS restrictions and a cast time is not OP.

I have stopped playing her. That does not mean I won’t stop fighting to get my hero back.


No. I hate her state of balance in the game and how she’s been treated lately.

I’ve stated this multiple times.

Go troll another thread, please.

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and you won’t, Mercy is great right now and your pleas are a scream to the void

and don’t confuse this with me trying to shut you down, that’s my opinion, you are free to post whatever you want but so am I

Ok, you can troll somewhere else now.

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Key word being “right now”. When Jeff posted that message, Mercy did indeed seem balanced, because people were still adjusting to not having instant Rez in the game.

The context of that comment was a reply to a thread asking for buffs to Mercy, not nerfs.

Six months passed, the game changed, and it was obvious that Mercy was too strong again.

There was no such time-sensitive qualifier attached to the revert comment, or the rez removal comment. Apples to oranges.