The Hypocrisy of Anti 222 Players

Even Jeff said it

You know you cannot make both claims, right? Either their data is accurate and valid as a point, or it doesn’t matter. You cannot have it both ways, depending on it suiting your argument or not.

Excuse me, when did I ever say their data was irrelevant? What the heck are you quoting in the second quote? I am not changing tack here whatsoever, don’t try to pull quotes out of context to indicate something simply not true.

Their data is reliable from the fact the majority of players don’t flex, its also true that most players didn’t do GOATs; it is incorrect to say it was never played, it was. Your trying to form an argument of refutation on two different points, conflating the two. I am not falling for that.

I am also bored with this, why are you necroing a week old thread now, to try to feel you have some high ground? Forget it bro, its over.

Easy, according to the first quote, DEVs words and their numbers are to be taken as holy scripture. In the second one, “despite what Blizz says” (sic), reality differs.

And both quotes are linked to their context; see the little upwards arrow? Press it and you are taken to the original post. And the one pointing downwards, left of it, deploys the whole post from where the quote was taken: Context at the tip of your cursor.

As for your pancake logic, according to you, the fact that the majority of players didn’t flex within a determined match was enough to disregard that as an issue. By the same logic, you cannot use GoaTs as a point, since the majority of players didn’t run it. You just can’t. Least of all in a thread about alleged hypocrisy.

BtW, 6 days is necroing?? You make my armpits laugh, dude.


PS. Again, “Your” ≠ “You’re” and “its” ≠ “it’s”

I hate waiting any amount of time for a game. Perhaps a lawsuit against everyone who was for forced 2-2-2 is in order. I’ll be sure to put your name at the top of the list. Hope your mommy and daddy have deep pockets.

Wow, most disconnected from reality comment of the forum ever contender here folks.

We have a new contender!!!

Pick me first! I’ll be the first to be on the receiving end of that!!!

I love to see a judge have a good laugh.

Or you can be a support main begging for the 4th DPS to switch. Now we have 2/2/2, “Can you feel the schadenfreude!?”

difference is, anti 222 people aren’t whining and blaming others for losses because they want to force everyone to play a way they want

anti 222 people were fine with multi dps comps they didn’t care.

anti 222 people cant que for comp without a particular comp being forced on them now. Pro 222 people could que for comp through lfg and get what they wanted.

the hypocrisy is trying to compare it at all when you had the ability to go 222 before, and rather than use it, you cried about everyone not playing what you wanted until they were forced to.

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I’m sick of my time being wasted in QP because I get matched with people who are just hunting for kills with DPS despite this being an objective based game.

222 was a godsend to that end, and the folks who just want to kill all vanish into Arcade. I think it’s amazing

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Except that queuing with a Tank or Support doesn’t actually lower queue time. Just yesterday, me and my friend decided to play overwatch and I went tank while they went DPS and we still had to wait the DPS time of over 10 minutes for a single game.

Stop spreading false information.

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I’m sorry, but the whole Tank/Support vs DPS is as asinine here as the whole Killer Main vs Survivor Main that infects the Dead by Daylight forums.

Grow up, already.

What’s up with these ‘HUR DURR ANTI 2/2/2 SIDE ARE HYPOCRITES!’ threads…

If you want to play that card, allow me to play this one again…

Pro 2/2/2 player: Forcing this comp will allow us to play what we want!

Random DPS player complains about the long queue times

Pro 2/2/2 player: Just play tank or support, you filthy DPS players!

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Yeah this Dev is spreading false information how dare he

These are some problems but I just think these are really the small problems about the role queue…

There are a lot of good solutions that let you create creative composition, let you change roles mid-fight and not lock you on a role on what ever map comes with what ever team comes… I just find it silly to let me choose my role before I know anything about the game…
In lijang towers Im a real good dps but on Rialto I love playing tank…

Not to mantion some games require you to switch mid-game in order to fix other bad player’s role…

I see your point about the hypocrisy but I dont think most of anti-role queue player put this specific point as the most important one…

I personaly dont see a problem playing 4 dps if that’s what the team wants… (Super effective against bastion’s bunker btw…)

But instead of talking about the bad parts here are couple of solutions that work much better than the role queue…

first to pick: every role will have a limit of up to 3 players in it, that way players will not be able to pick a full dps comp with a mercy running between all

Leader: A leader for the team will be chosen randomly (The players can switch leader if 3 or more would like to) the player choose how many roles are for the comp and so the team will play according to him

Make lfg a better system: right now players either sign in for a random match or go into lfg when almost no one use the system and so it’s hard to find a good team. A good option will be forcing lfg that will be sorted by ranks/sr differences, that way even in low ranks players will choose the right team for them and not get stuck with totally random strangers… It will also make trolling harder and will let players decide on a composition before even getting into a game

He is, since I, as a TANK, was waiting 10+ minutes whereas the other TANKS in my games were waiting less than 2. Obviously they did not do enough testing to understand that what they are saying is false, as dozens of others have had the same experience as me while queuing with friends. They refused to do very much testing for 222 in general as there are a slew of problems with it that could have been fixed before implementation, but instead they bent over for people like you and rushed it.


Seriously? Specially in QP the support-dps and tank-dps cancer is even more prevalent than in ladder.

But actually, for QP the bugged 2-2-2 version was a really interesting option (no roleQ, but as soon as there were 2 of a role, that role got locked; yet at any time in spawn you were able to swap roles, similar to Obsidian’s 3 char limit quoted below).

Sounds awesome! You’d never get 4/5 dps; you’d be able to run a lot more of comps, adapting to the situation; you’d be able to swap roles, sometimes on your own, sometimes having talked it with a teammate… No downsides to this option, actually

But any solution needs to come with a punishment for one-trickers. That’s the main issue within this game; it was created to allow swapping heroes mid-game, and catering to one-trickers by forcing 2-2-2 upon flex players is just wrong. Why do we have to get less of a game because of people not playing it as it was intended?

They needed it to be up and running for OWL week 4, to pick up the ratings. Turns out Sigma/Orisa/Reaper/Doomfist/Moira/Lúcio is even more boring than GoaTs!

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