The Hypocrisy is so Real It Hurts

Totally agree. Make it worth as a game for people like us.

youtuber misconception is ruining overwatch

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It would be nice if they just leave her alone before they do anymore damage. They had Mercy tweaks constantly throughout the year of 2017. They need to focus on other support heroes to be on par with her than nerfing Mercy down to be on par with them. That’s just a losing battle on both ends.

That’s why I suggested the self healing regenerate concept.

Yup and the players that believe they’re the greatest players thinking everything they do is correct. That’s just too gullible if you ask me like none don’t want to learn and rather be copy cats.

I’ll make it easier so nobody has to click on the links!


That’s a nice suggestion and idea :grinning:

But you see… there’s no much we can do in Overwatch forums because OWL and Streamers have much more attention than people like us, tossing words mindlessly.

We all expressing our opinions and ideas just among ourselves, and that’s it.

Just going to drop my rework idea here don’t mind me just passing through!

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Thanks. I think the suggestion would be a healthy route for the game since not many want to play a healer much. Self regenerating hp after combat would be the best route and make the game more tactical fun than what it is. Well at least WoW and Hots actually listen to their community on their forums. I commend those developers for that.

Hey, I really like your idea! =)

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Well not to put too fine a point on it but the reason the rework is still around is because of OWL and certain OWL players’ attitudes towards Mercy in particular. This rework was to appease them since they bring in more money than the rest of the Mercy playerbase combined, and well…Activision-Blizzard doesn’t want to give up the revenue by upsetting them.

I do think the sheer level of casual dismissal of a lot of legitimate complaints about Mercy then and now is just abysmal customer relations. I know why they do it, but it doesn’t change that it’s still terrible and incredibly arrogant.

I was apart of the 18 dva megathreads and then some back in january 2017 when the nerfbat to dva happened that left her in such a weakened state despite everyone’s warnings that DM had to be buffed which made her become a DM bot that everyone hated that lead to a rework that was also nerfed later on, which once again was called out by the dva mains such as yours truly (I said rockets would be nerfed when we got new dva) as soon as the rework was unveiled.

They don’t care about feedback, be it coincise or muddled. That is clear as a day. Don’t ever be fooled by their flowery words or promises.

They care more about forum whiners and criers for nerfbats. Few people suggest mercy’s heal beam nerfed to 50hps when that part of her kit was never a problem and was originally buffed because it was atrocious. They just took one suggestion off the forums and slapped a nerfbat on her and called it a success because they don’t want to nerf resurrection anymore without looking like idiots, but they know resurrection is the most valuable thing on her kit. But it will hurt a lot of soloplayers, myself included who just want to heal people because nobody else will on quickplay. But soon I no longer cannot and Moira nor ana cannot replace Mercy’s mobility.

Is it too much to ask to have ONE reliable healer on my arsenal when I have to herd wild cats roaming all over the place? The most used game mode aka quickplay? Where nobody plays supports anyway yet supports are crucial for winning games?

I used to play lucio when he had larger healing aura since he could be played more passively, but since his rework I found I’m not “dspstanky hippityhoppity get off my property” wallrider so I gave up on him and picked up mercy. Ana has been dumpster tier since forever and my own skillset is not geared towards most mechanically nuanced characters and has never been in gaming. And Moira is just so limited by her range that as solohealer, you won’t be safe with just one healing orb alone.

But I guess this is a good way to finally lower her pickrates which according to this forum, were a problem. Heh. Just gotta trash the hero into becoming a ressbot so nobody finds any other value in mercy.


at least with MErcy your “failed rework” put you into must pick meta.

Try being a sombra player where you were never meta and for your 10 minutes of glory you were rewarded with a kneejerf nerf that also made your staple ability broken and borderline unusable. Nevermind if sombra was so overpowered why was she still non existent in lower elo?

Sombra is unfortunately apart of the circle of few characters that they don’t really care about because enough people don’t main her, like symmetra and bastion. And no, symm rework didn’t make her any better, only statistically worse and worse to play as.

With mercy you got a much larger playerbase so they feel it’s in their best interest to do something about this hero. The good and the bad.

But it’s not good that some heroes are still being ignored and others are left in the dumpster tier.


Oh wait, he’s “serious.”

Lemme laugh harder.


Jeff, plz.

The community has NEVER liked Mercy’s rework.



Thanks for gathering these btw!

And there is a reason that people dont main sombra and others.

Let’s not kid ourselves there is a reason that mercy is heavily played and it aint cause she is “fun”

it’s cause she is ridiculously effective with minimal effort. Why work harder than you have to? It’s the human condition

They can quit, if you aren’t enjoying something you do for leisure and fun stop doing it, that simple, continuing to do it isn’t healthy.

Yeah, i don’t like this update at all… When you think everything is balanced they tend to bring something ‘‘NEW and REFRESHING’’ but this is just… a no

Why do people keep saying this? Every social media group (various subreddits, these forums, discords, etc) I’ve seen has had between 25-40% support mains when polled. Based on those stats and an even distribution, more ~3/4 matches will have the 2 supports needed at worst, and a number of games will have an extra support needing to flex off of it at best. Anecdotally, I’ve had to solo heal less then 1/4 qp games, because people just like to play support, even when flexing isn’t encouraged. I’m forced to tank in comp because I’m the third support so much that I’ve got more Rein time than Ana time for the past 2 seasons.
The lack of support mains is a myth, not actual stats.

Blizzard made a great change by making Resurrect single target and making Mercy’s playstyle not hide and seek. But I do agree that res should be attached to the ult meter.

I think a good change would be to keep her single Resurrect as an ultimate with low charge like Nanoboost and transfer power into her mobility and healing.

She’d have a new valkyrie system resource, which is earned by healing and depleted by Aoe healing and flying around with omni-directional GA/AD.

I think this would be the most fair version of old Mercy and most fun version of reworked Mercy.

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The only reason this existed was because of the flawed Performance Based SR system that existed, it encouraged people to exploit the system to get huge ammounts of SR, because the ‘‘hide n seek for the big 5 man rez’’ was more often than not worse than a tempo rez.

This system has been fixed and It wouldn’t be a problem anymore.