The honest truth why no one wants to tank in this game

This whole game is just get the lucky coin flip with good dps and if they can aim you win. Literally tanks have no say over weather you win or lose a game. i am happy tanks will be buffed in 2 weeks but i still gotta wait 2 weeks and just enjoy losing multiple games over and over until blizzard buff tanks. Like why cant tanks be strong in this game what is everyone afraid of. You know why there is so few tanks up in top500 and gm is because its too hard to climb as a tank because you do hardly any damage unless you play zarya,sigma or carryhog

Can we just make wrecking ball do a tiny bit more damage out of his primary fire pls. i feel like im shooting pillows at people. Thats the honest truth no one wants to tank in this game because you cant do enough damage to carry bad players unless you carryhog,zarya,sigma its so stupid just make all the tanks decent or stronger then more people would play the role otherwise everyone just gonna quit this game.

I know the buff is coming but its not fast enough and its going to force a lot of tank players to quit this game because honestly tanking feels so useless and terrible now you can’t do anything to carry bad players in this game. I had 4 games where my dps struggle to get more than 5 elims i mean i know the match maker is stuffed but this is crazy. I played 1 game where we had a genji and sombra. Genji got 1 elim and sombra got 2 i mean this match maker must think im a top500 wrecking ball player in disguise or something and wants me to carry these potatoes.

I think all tank players should just not play this game until the buffs come through unless you just want to derank and loss sr its honestly a pointless excercise tanking atm .


I just enjoy playing tank for fun. I have no idea why people hate it. You stated it was because DPS players are inconsistent; however, that makes support unfun too. I do not understand how that only applies to tank. :sweat_smile:


Real. Players be whinging over a bad match like they can’t dominate the next. I love tanking


Just plain wrong.
Tanks decide if you win or loose, tanks impact is much higher than anyone else, also meaning your negative impact is much higher.
Your DPS kills always correlates with tank kills, because of tank not DPS

I say that with 72% WR on Ram with 50+ games in quick around plat level


No they dont tanks used to back in season 8 but ask any pro and they all say the same you cant win now without good dps. Flats said it last week and a few other pros as well. After the hitbox buff and the dps passive its almost impossible to play tank now.

stop lying also sigma is your best tank and you have a 40% winrate on him.


The thing with tanks is if it’s a huge tank diff it’s gg go next.

The problem is in high ranks where both tanks are playing correctly, focus fire happens etc and such large tank diffs are uncommon. In those situations the tanks feel powerless because they can’t do anything and instantly explode if they try but for most of the playerbase tanks are more than capable of carrying.


tanks being strong would be my first guess,

I’d like to see you explain that in detail if you’re so sure about this

high ranks huh? so in low ranks when the enemy damage dispensers being 4x better isn’t that much of a problem I guess…

Yes, for pros, but even for pros, the impact of tanks is massive, the coordination is major factor.
For 95% of the player population it doesn’t matter, tanks are hard carries

Here my stats, I am not lying

I don’t really understand what you’re saying?

I’m breaking quickplay now on a consistent level for like 10-12 hours. I don’t play exclusively Ram, but Ram has the purest stats, since I unlocked him since end S9
My stats on Ram are slight sub quick plat level (on average), despite overperforming heavily when it comes to WR

I can tell you that my kills and deaths always correlates with DPS.
Now you could make the call it’s because DPS are carrying tank, but then how do I get such a consistent high WR on tank? It is only possible if I am actually doing extremely well on tank and in fact carry, thus DPS are dependent on tank not the other way around.
Heck I had games where I had a duds on my team, DPS with almost 0 kills and we carried them through the game
All in solo queue and as you can see in my stats, it’s an old account, a settled account

Flats is irrelevant. The fact that both teams have to play a tank makes the whole “it’s almost impossible to play tank” sentiment laughable. The better team wins. It is that simple. I am sure a relevant portion of those games are predominately the result of a tank discrepancy. That being said, the amount of games that boil down to DPS diff or support diff are certainly not negligible. The vast majority of the time people single out a player or role, the actual problem was the team as a whole.


Because tank sucks and cannot do anything if hard countered.

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Tanking isn’t fun because tanks are not fun to play against AS TANK. This is what leads to all the counter-swapping. People complain about the fact they have to swap, but the reason they have to swap is because tank interactions are terrible.

Pick you favourite tank, other team plays a tank that nullifies you, you can’t have fun on that tank, switch to a tank you don’t enjoy as much. This is most games.

I enjoy playing hog but can’t play more than 2 fights as him before I am completely countered. I like sigma, but guaranteed a sombra appears as soon as I pick him and the game is miserable (let’s face it, all games with sombra are miserable) along with zarya or some other tank he is not fun against.

Just about any tank I pick will be faced with a tank or comp that makes that tank unfun. It’s not something I think can be solved. It’s just a fact of OW that the stronger you make the tanks the more the other team will become a perfect counter to whichever tank you are playing.


Its not really about tank diffs its about dps diffs in most cases considering dps are the carry now. You can watch samito,flats and yeatle explain this online. The dps are the carry now hence why tank players are going crazy atm because if you get bad dps you lose and in a lot of cases the enemy team will run 3 counters so you cant do anything on tank hence why the buffs are coming in in 2 weeks because its very very bad for tank players atm the balance is scuffed beyond belief.

its bad game design when you play tank and enemy team switched to sombra,reaper and you cant do anything on tank if your dps are not reliable. if you look at the scoreboard at the end of your games you will see big differances in dps almost every game because 5v5 is creating major imbalances in games.

I don’t know why people are still saying tanks are the carry when all the pros explain that this is not the case anymore. we are not in season 7-8 we are in season 10 where dps have hitbox buff and dps passive.

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if your DPS can’t kill for anything it will correlate with your KD aswell,

it’s not Tanks aren’t the stat that DPS depend on, they just partially depend on their ability to soak damage,

because if there’s nobody that’s soaking damage, you’re dead,

but if your DPS is useless and dies, guess what, there’s no immense threat towards the enemy’s death, what do they do? they push you and you die because your damage dealers are either dead or useless, unfeared…

what’s scarier, the tank that keeps mitigating the damage and peppering you, or the guy that can unalive you in 3 seconds if you aren’t at least slightly moving around?

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I disagree with this the better dps win. Unless you run Hog,zarya,sigma or orisa basically dps tanks then those tanks can add a bit of damage to the team but if you play other tanks your out of luck and you need to rely on your dps. Its very bad game design to have 4 tanks better than every other tank in the game. I can play hog right now and dominate teams but all i am doing is playing a busted tank that needs a nerf why would i do that. hog is kinda boring as well.

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I am constantly putting the enemy under pressure, try to deny as much space as I can and if they slip up I get a kill.
You, as a tank, you are always under a timer, rotate your abilities, be more economical with your resources and strike when you have an advantage. Being passive, means you loose

Tanks are brawlers and a massive threat with high kill potential, but many people still see them like in OW1, which is wrong.

That is simply not true. People counterpick Reinhardt just for an easy win. There is no tank in the game that is oppressed by Reinhardt. You can play anyone you want into him. A lot of these people ARE playing what they want to start the game and then get desperate and go Orisa/Rammatra after they start losing.

I do not fully disagree with you, however. Tank players are definitely why tank can become relatively annoying. You just have to accept that you are going to play against pathetic players that can barely play their own tank, let alone your hard counter, and they have a better chance of winning despite that fact. It’s why they do it. Not because they are victims trying to avoid getting countered. :joy:

In high ranks…

It’s because the game is different in gm+ compared to metal ranks. The difficulties high rank tank players face aren’t as relevant to lower ranks because they can simply outplay the other team whereas there isn’t the room to do that the higher you climb because everyone is playing correctly.

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No you get two coinflips for good dps. The rest of the team gets one coinflip for a good tank, the by far strongest role that for some reason needs buffs again.

No they are shooting pillows on you, you have big heath pool and reactive armor. If it’s a one on one no squishy stands a chance.

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