The hitscan heroes need a buff

McCree and Ana definitely need something. Ana is already garbage (sorry Ana players, I feel your pain) and McCree is on the verge of being replaced by Hanzo to some extent if the rework goes through as is, which it is likely to do given the ptr track record.
Soldier however is in this weird place. He’s good and a buff would make him too op but if more barriers/dive heroes are brought in he may need something in the future to keep him competitive.
Widow is fine as is, high skill high reward. She’s the only character in the roster with the potential to wipe a team with her primary fire, including tanks because I know Hanzo can land hs as well but he’s not as effective against tanks with his primary alone.

Already know thay, 50 hours on her. Talking about her main shot.

I happen to be one of them.

Despite him being in that meta, he’s the least picked hero in the game.

How can he be a problem in a meta if the meta is only on 1 map, on 1 point? And even then, it doesn’t boost his stats above being the least picked hero in the game (therefore making him the worst hero in the game because players would rather play other heros over Bastion, even on his supposed golden meta of pirate ship).

He needs buffs to make him better outside of pirate ship, not make him stronger. THATS why we say he needs buffs like 450 health in tank mode. That way he’s back to how he used to be, which was before pirate ship, or then-protect the president, meta existed.

His rework was what broke him and made him only viable on that map/meta.


I feel like Widow’s design is a bit problematic, specially on maps like Gibraltar/Ruins and Hollywood 2nd wich are so wide open, i think she deserves a dmg-fall off of 35-55 meters or so 37-125 damage so that shes not as problematic… on these maps and require another Widow to deal with her, thats not healthy game balance and also pressures the map design.

his pick rate is low because hes boring compared to tracer genji. even if they get nerf to the ground they will always have a bigger pick rate than bastion. people love mercy, u think if they make her useless and give her a huge nerf that people are not going to pick her. based on design, bastion isnt as cool as other dps. and when building a comp, dps being the most flexible, not many people are going to pick bastion.

pirate ship/ stand behind orisa shield works on every map. but people hate fighting against it nor do they like playing it. its only fun for bastion so of course your not going to see him.

also his skins doesnt give off that WOW factor. and overwatch is a game about switching, after you die with bastion you switch. the 450 hp in tank mode is bad cuz then he cant die in tank mode.

and i think bastion is in a better position than mcree at the moment.
mcree doesnt even have a purpose other than he looks cool.

Yeah, keep thinking that.

Maybe it’s that his tank is a suicide button and he need a whole team to be built around him only to increase his pickrate 0.56%? Na, it’s just because he’s not a cyber-ninja. By that logic 76 should also be at his level since he’s not at popular as Genji or Tracer.

Then why isn’t his pickrate higher? Is it because you’re pulling arbitrary facts out of your *** that you can’t prove?

People don’t like playing against anything that can kill them, so this whole point is irrelevant. Get out with your subjective opinions, because they don’t back anything that your saying at all.

Once again, how is this relevant to his balance? Oh, does he not have a thong? Is that why the kiddies are playing Widow these days?

Not if you’re running any other hero besides Bastion. Just run Tracer until you die constantly to Brig. Run Sym because Sym One Trick.

Switching off of 1 hero’s purpose isn’t balanced, it shows that they need buffs because they can only be used in 1 situation for an unreasonably low amount of time.


According to Overbuff that ranks all of the heros, McCree if doing FAR better than Bastion is.

McCree is actually used in higher tiers. Bastion isn’t even a few spots above the very ranks where everyone think he’s the destroyer of worlds (aka in Bronze and Silver).

I’m done arguing with a child. If you’re basing all your points off of a hero looking cool rather than being balanced and having some relevancy then balance isn’t the focal point of your discussion.

I know it’s been said a lot at this point but Soldier and Widow are in a good spot.

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It’s really hard for Soldier 76 to confirm kills with his awful bullet spread, which makes a lot of his damage “trash damage”, that gets healed back by Moira in one second. Poor accuracy also makes small heroes like Genji and Tracer feel much safer in LoS of Soldier, who has to slowly burst fire to not miss 90% of shots.
Soldier also can’t get away from more than one enemy attacking him and just barely can deal with one. McCree at least has Flashbang to protect himself. Widow can use grapple. Soldier just runs? Works sometimes.

soldier is the cod hero. cod is super popular. mcree has a suicide button also. and you answered your own question. you need a team to build around him. you think people are going to play a hero they dont main or dont like just because you have a bastion.

once its stop, you have to switch off, and switching means you lose your ult charge and seeing how you need to build around bastion, most of your team might need to switch putting your team at a disadvantage.

you act like bastion isnt a problem when hes in a good team comp for him. if they ignore you you win. thats why you get targeted cuz if bastion doesnt die, bastion team wins. thats why they get pocket hard and everything is for protecting him. people hate playing like this because 1 player is getting so much attention compared to the other 5. tanks cant be aggressive nor can dps.

its why his pick rate is low. people say mercy sucks yet she still has a high pickrate. ana is complete trash but shes fun to play and does skill shots. even if a hero is trash but is fun to play or looks cool with give him a better pickrate.

yea run sym because of sym one trick, run bastion because of bastion 1 trick. i dont want to be forced on a hero because you pick bastion.
and there is no buff he can get that would make him flexible. he will always be used in that 1 situation. the whole 450 hp while in tank mode. u think thats actually going to make him a better pick then the other dps. people will still take care of him the same way hes always been taken care of.

so whats mcree roll? counter tracer?? counter pharah?? dive kills him off so fast and has no mobility to get away. tracer and out duel him easily, pharah’s are going to have a mercy and his drop off damage is super bad.

your talking about pick rate. if you want to talk about balance, bastion is balanced. doing the most damage in the game while taking away mobility is balance. from what i see is people want bastion back to unkillable like in season 4. most of the buffs i see people suggest to him isnt going to change anything. his base kit in the problem, a simple buff won’t fix him unless he becomes OP like in season 4.