The "hiding mercy" fallacy

What? I’m talking about this:

Blizzard has never said that she was reworked because the pros disliked it…

I need a link for this. And even then, again, they’ve never said that they reworked Mercy because of pros concerns. You’re still appealing to ignorance.

Like I’ve said, again and again, they’ve fixed it before her rework. Like I’ve said multiple times, the issue would’ve fixed itself if they had fixed the issue earlier.

Do you wanna know why I know that Jeff never said this? Because literally every other ultimate in the game has the potential to deny an entire team fight. Potential is meaningless because that makes every ultimate overpowered.

Well, you see, “Hide n Res” existed because of issues with the SR system at the time. Said SR system encouraged hiding as it artificially inflated their stats. Without the SR system, hiding was very bad and counters itself. Knowing this, the reasonable conclusion as to why people used it is ofc because of the SR system. Now, here comes the interesting part. The SR system was fixed just before her rework. That means the motive behind “Hide n Res” is gone which means it isn’t an issue anyway. If they had fixed the SR system earlier, the strategy would’ve died on its own in which case, Blizzard should not intervene in such things but they did, incompetently and was executed poorly.

Nope. It was the result of the broken SR system at the time which artificially inflated your SR when you hide meaning, it made hiding a good thing.

It has been confirmed that it didn’t take less than a day to make decisions to remove Res and that it was removed because pros didn’t like it? Well then, I would like links pls.

Loool, are you serious? All of the above that proves my point is objective.

And as I’ve said a dozen times, it is not a design issue. The issue is fixed! Stop it with “Hide n Res”… And again, arguing like this is pointless because indirect things Blizzard does can suggest a lot of ridiculous things. At that point, you’re just speculating.

OMG… I really need to spell it out for you. I’m acknowledging he fact that you said that I can continue to ask for mass Res back.

They’ve literally never said that mass Res won’t ever come back.

Change this to:
so far, I don’t.

Never been stated. Provide a quote if you must but I’ve already dismissed the obvious ones people misinterpret.

Garbage comparison. Unlike reviving the actual dead, the devs still can bring back mass Res.

It actually had everything to do with the SR system and competitive. Also, I don’t know about you but I find it dubious at best that they’d balance around casual play.

It is not a fact if they don’t prove it as such. All they did is state it. In which case, this is just a classic case of the Appeal to Authority Fallacy. Unlike the devs who just said it was encouraged by the design of her ultimate and saying nothing more, people actually provided evidence to prove the contrary.

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