The HEIGHT of Moira!?

Just how tall is Moira? Her biographical data is a little too sparse for me. I know she is taller than Widowmaker (1,75m) but not how much. Moira needs more backstory!

brother do you not have google

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We don’t have her official height.


we have approximate heights, moira is about 6 foot 5 according to their in game height

I tried to give you a little context-based answer here: https://twitter___com/Bible_Salesman/status/1334953818027507719

Each hero was shot in the same location with the same camera position (about 30m away to reduce FOV distortion), then composited into one image, but please check the thread for an additional reference.

Reaper and McCree are both approximately 1.85m (6’1").

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Moira is sexy centimeters tall
Now seriusly i think i read somewhere she was 191 cm tall


191 cm tall?!! Thats like very, very, high