The hate towards Doomfist is

Absolutely sickening. He gets no love from the forums except Doom mains, no love from the devs and he’s just left in the trashcan. No new experimental changes or updates, no buffs, nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s ok devs clearly you listen to the people complaining when he’s complete garbage instead of looking at him objectively. The amount of counters he has is STUPIDLY high and shouldn’t even be tolerated, it’s a joke. It’s like he’s not allowed to be decent.


Why are you complaining when it’s so painfully obvious that no one else likes Doomfist? He was a mistake that we all are trying to forget here mate.

Just saying, not being serious here.


He gets love from me, and I don’t main him.

Hopefully, the dev’s make changes to Sombra which makes her more viable in ladder play, and that makes her counter him less.

More viable vs other people, and less of a super hard counter against those she does super hard counter would be good.

Doom deserves to be more viable than he is now.


Doomfist has a 53% win rank this month and a normal pick rate for DPS, seems like he’s doing fine.


Hes not bad, hes niche. We are in a meta full of reapers, sombra and snipers. All can very well deal with doomfist if they bother to focus you. There is a way to still play doom even when facing these heroes though, simply get a zarya to bubble you every single time you go into a fight and both you and zarya will benefit. Sombra cant hack you, reaper cant kill you, snipers cant do anything to you and zarya is getting free charge. At the end of the day, doomfist can go around the maps above areas no other heroes can reach and get the drop on players with the ability to one shot and an extremely forgiving ult that allows him to escape anything.

My suggestion is to play doom whenever you have a zarya and ask for bubbles, its no different than playing genji. Will you ever play genji without an ana in your team? Its possible but genjis value is dropped significantly because his ult is mediocre alone. Doomfist is the same, he can do fairly well alone but with a zarya pocket he’s almost unstoppable.


Literally less than 1% pickrate in Pro play tho, 76 is getting buffs because his pickrate in OWL is garbage and as bad as doom .

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Ahh Doomfist…

You either love him or hate him. He either dominates or feeds. No medium ground.

As a Super Smash player I absolutely love him.



I knew this would come up. Win rate doesn’t even matter and especially since you just looked at GM stats. Bastion has a high win rate in GM, so what? Doom is objectively bad.


Wrong, I looked at all stats, he has a 56% win rate in GM this month. Also Bastion has a 52% win rate in GM this month with 1/10th the pick rate.


He IS bad, sorry but you have no idea what you’re saying. You have 5 min on Doom. Snipers aren’t the main problem, it’s the cc abilities. It’s the insane hard counters he has and how much effort he has to do in order to secure a kill compared to heroes like Widow/Roadhog/Hanzo.

Doom isn’t designed a niche hero, he was forced into one because devs refuse to balance him fairly, and his counters too. He’s completely unplayable it’s laughable how bad he is.


Hes better then a lot of Heroes rn, he outclasses Genji, McCree, Junk, Pharah and Mei, hes not great right now but hes far from being a trash can, people dont like him because hes annoying and doesnt have a very Overwatch like playstyle, Im legitimately a Doomfist main, the whole “so many counters thing” is a bunch of BS because you can easily outplay any of them, hes easy, hes a mistake and hes a burden on this game


you literally seem like a hulk alt account


I’ve said this already, how annoying a character is shouldn’t change the way that they’re balanced.

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Doom definitely needs help but he is statistically better than all of those heroes.

hulk? (20 whomegaluls)

doomfist is pretty easy to handle once you learn how he works unless its a doom map. most players dont pay any attention to him for some reason

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Forum troll (20 char)


I get this is one persons post on a very vocal forum that represents a small portion of players but like… I don’t play Doom and I don’t hate him.

I think hating any hero is really lame and even sort of ignorant. The game’s great with the whole cast and people who reflect this kind of emotion on to a character in the game, one that doesn’t break the bank or every game or by stats…

I dunno. Opinions are opinions but I don’t like statements like this… when it’s just plain not true.

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How the tables have turned huh.

I play a lot of doomfist too he’s my 3rd most played in fact and I know he isn’t doing great right now but

You’re making this post now after you made posts about how much you HATE genji and roadhog and want them removed or something like that so it amuses me that you’re in our (roadhog and genji mains) shoes now :slight_smile:

The “I don’t like xyz character” or “Delete xyz character” posts are just the worst…