Genji Power Redistribution, 3 Different Ways

I’m sorry about doing this but you warranted this yourself:

You suggested this:

I suggested this to point out how ridiculous you were being:

You said this:

But you also said this in another post about current df:

Which either means you changed your view in a very short amount of time OR you are flat out lying which I suspect the later

Then you denied it when I claimed you were lying:

Further evidence you are trolling/ don’t know what your talking about:

You are literally advocating for nerfs on heroes that are fine (hog) and underpowered (sombra) and why specifically these 2 only on the first page of your profile? They are both df counters, coincidence?

Post Titles:
The Hate Towards Doomfist Is - Egryn
Roadhog Unbelievably Broken - Ergyn
Please Nerf Sombra. I Can’t Take It Anymore - Egryn

You are clearly trying to push your agenda and lying through your teeth.

Edit: I checked all your other posts and despite not being a genji main clearly by checking your profile around 80 percent of your post activity are all genji threads you clearly search them out and try to troll.