The Hanzo changes don't make a difference

Like yeah, in theory it’s nice that you should be able to hear his Sonar Arrow.

But that also insinuates that:

A) The audio in this game works properly (it doesn’t, footsteps don’t make sounds for certain heroes randomly), and;
B) It won’t get easily drowned out by the plethora of audio clutter

I genuinely don’t feel like the sonar arrow changes make a difference and the damage change is pretty negligible all things considered. :person_shrugging:


Maybe you should wear a headset for gaming. It’s pretty audible


hearing distinct audio difference is also a skill, they should not hold anybody else’s hand anymore, considering now we can also easily see the enemy’s ult with the scoreboard - which is a hard-earned game awareness in the past.

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So far the damage change seems to have made no difference at all, since all it takes to finish Mei and Reaper off is ten points of damage. It’s not unusual for either to have taken that much chip damage. It seems like a bit of a pointless change but eh, whatever.

As for further audio tweaks: yes please. I am a little hard of hearing and sonar is still a bit difficult to make out. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know that there was an audio cue for sonic arrow before this patch, because I couldn’t make it out.


I am a headset user. I don’t listen to music while playing, either.

It gets drowned out quite easily, and again:

What do you mean? It doesn’t show you their ult charge. The way to track it is to see enemy damage and make a pretty accurate estimation on how much of their ultimate they’ve built, but I wouldn’t classify that as easily. More of a habit that you have to form. And I don’t understand how this pertains to the audio cue on his Sonic Arrow?

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You can see the sonar when it lands no? Unless ur in the middle of the team fight you can’t hear it I guess but it’s still pretty loud when you’re next to it.


I unfortunately need to rely solely on sound. I’m colorblind and this game’s colorblind options are barebone garbage.

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This is what I meant. It is easy in the beginning but not as easy as the game progress, but certainly way easier than the past.
There are audio cue, if it drown out because you’re not concentrate on it, then it’s on you, same with footstep.

I don’t think you understand that the audio in this game is bugged and a lot of people have pointed out the many technical ways it’s failing, and that some audio quite literally overtakes others.

There have been multiple times where I have seen an enemy use their ultimate in front of me, but because another sound played at the same time, it doesn’t actually play - and this is confirmed by multiple people in the lobby.


All they gotta do is put detected on the screens of people are visible due to the effects of infra sight and sonic arrow.


I’m mixed on this because then it just solely invalidates it in a sense.

Like i’d rather it just actually make sounds that don’t get bugged or messed up by other audio.

Am I the only one who doesn’t think hanzo is that broken/OP? He’s so inconsistent that any player who is good at him deserves to hard carry. I mean sure, his one shot can be annoying, but it’ll never be consistent like widowmaker.

The only underlining issue with hanzo is that he doesn’t really have any weakness. Dive in theory counters him, but since there’s only one tank now, it doesn’t counter him as much as it used to.

But other than that, I think hanzo is a fairly balanced DPS hero. Not too over-powered, and definitely far from being under-powered.


5 less damage to his primary def makes a different, maybe not enough go trash him into unviability as many of you want.

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I do find it annoying to dome a Reaper and he’s like “Nah” and wraiths away, Have to basically Storm Arrow him down at this point, really if he’s ulting.

It visibly shows aura for a sec more

So this is to prevent cqc corner wall shots for which it works well unless the opponent is single brain celled

You always could hear it.
If player has awareness of potato, nothing will change it.

Starting with, if player doesn’t know what it sounds like, he will never notice it lol

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I have storm on right click, if your close enough you shot melee, if further you shoot and storm instantly it takes time but doable

Yeah, it’s bad. At least make a blinking light on the arrow.

Not everyone can hear things.

Virtually every arrow that Hanzo fires and lands on the ground or wall can be seen and modeled, but you don’t regularly see them do you?

And again…

The main issue we’re discussing in this thread is the Recon Arrow’s so-called “fix”, rather than anything else about Hanzo, really.

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I’m not stating whether he’s OP or not here. I just don’t think the changes, especially to his Sonic Arrow, are actually accomplishing anything. I don’t find them any more noticeable than before since the audio gets drowned out and the visual indication is still incredibly hard to notice, especially for those who are colorblind. It shouldn’t be so obvious that you can easily and undeniably tell when there’s a Sonic Arrow, since that defeats the purpose. But some better indication (especially not audio, since you can’t trust the audio in this game to actually work properly) would be welcomed.


I literally cannot hear as well as others and there is nothing I can do about it. I did not choose to have poorer hearing. Andough did not choose to have colour blindness.

I wish I could say that this is the first time in my life I’ve run into the sentiment of “just hear better!” when it’s impossible for me to do so.

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