The great thing about playing Support

We literally control your very life force in the match. Sure, you can go to a health pack but I’m right next to you and can heal you for so much more. I could even boost my ult charge and make you and others even more powerful, maybe even invincible.

Shame you can’t protect us though. Sure do love getting shot in the face by a Reaper or sliced up like a piece of cheese from a Genji.

Don’t worry though, we’ll try to come back as quick as possible for it to happen again right away.

Oh and then remember to tell everyone that there was too much of a healer diff or that we didn’t do enough.

Anyway, onto the next match.


I am surprised you had enough time to post between support matches.


Bro i get a game matched when I open the Blizz app.


I’m honestly hoping that Blizzard will acknowledge the issues with the flank meta and tone heroes like Genji, Sombra and Zarya down, preferably without looking at a spreadsheet. As a support player it feels terrible that some games feel like a respawn simulator because the team can’t respond to someone flanking the backline.

I don’t want to play Moira or Bap constantly, but with the way the game works now support feels extremely unrewarding to play.


No no no… this got written during the respawn timers. Obviously. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, to be fair they are longer! So that makes sense.

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It’s not so bad, for the first hour.

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Sounds familiar


Hey wait, why is there an enemy Moira in our backline? Does no one else see this? Hey, wtf!

I would be all in on a thread of catgrease posting during respawns.

You got a Moira in your back lines? I usually get a Moira that fades IN FRONT OF OUR TANK and drops a purple orb lol

Yeah. I hate scared tanks that won’t push as well.

Ah, a new day. Wonder if things changed in Competitive.