The GM Support Meta (ANA)

Good. She deserves to be the best main healer by miles.


Thank god you’re not on the balance team.


I don’t agree with buffing Mercy unless they make her harder to play. At the very least, leave her skill floor the same but raise her skill sealing and potential.

I don’t think Mercy with her current skill requirement should compete with Ana in GM. If she remains as easy as she is, she should also remain a situational pick.


I wouldn’t say by “miles” but yeah, I have no problem with her being the best by a slight margin.

So you like to play GM with 3 tanks and 3 support? Or play with 3 tanks, 2 support and only one dps? I take note.
Because if Ana dominates at high rank this happens.

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Tell me again, why do you think that holding left click should be as good as managing and aiming 14 shots?
Oooh game senssss! Ana requires 3000x more game sens to play than mercy.
Muh positioning! Mercy can reposition every 1.5 secs. Ana doesn’t have any mobility.

Mercy is inferior to Ana in every single aspect in the game.


This happened after another 0 skill hero was added to the game.
If brig went away, I’m 100% sure we are gonna see ana in dive as well.

And yeah, dive was the best meta.


moira is a one-note, poorly designed hero that can only heal and not do much else

i don’t think she can ever be meta unless tanks completely dominate the game

I agree. They need to nerf Ana’s Rez so it’s more comparable to Mercy’s.

Tell you again? Sweetie, I never said this.

Pulling numbers out of thin air, I see. Nonetheless, I obviously know that this is partially true (the numbers are extremely off). That being said, to compensate Mercy has no damage, no reliable mid-fight utility and has significantly lower heals in comparison to the 2 other main healers.

And that’s a problem. Specifically, it is a urgent balance concern.


I’ve seen it actually. I generally dislike rez as an ability overall, regardless of whether it is an ult or a regular ability. When the Mercy community is happy with it, no one else is and vice versa.

IF we insist on keeping rez, I would definitely say lock it behind ult though. My two preferences would be the easy one, or the different one. The easy one would be to make it useable in valk only.

The interesting one (to me) is you give her a hybrid single/mass rez ult. Give her a set time in which she can rez as many people as possible. Each rez has a small cast time. Then, it offers greater thought in how you use it, while still offering high potential and counter play options. You can get a 5 man rez, if you’re really good, but most likely you’ll die without your team there. Or you can use it as a mid fight ult to keep your team pushing. Basically the more people dead, the greater the risk but the higher potential. I was going to make a thread about this, but no one wants another mercy thread. :sweat_smile:

Of course I also wouldn’t mind completely removing rez. Bump up her healing a bit, and give her a new e ability (doesn’t matter what). Then give her pistol a faster projectile speed, so it can be used more accurately and actually offers Mercy more possible situations where you can use your pistol instead of running away.

That not only makes her have more transferable skills, and more thought involved in her playstyle, but also makes use of her most under used kit piece. She has decent damage on her gun, making it more consistent might help the community swallow her “low skill”. And makes good mercy players better.

Yours is an opinion, the many to be annoyed.
If we continue with these arguments we will always have fossilized meta. The game to benefit in spectacularity and health needs all 3 main supports to be viable. Ana, moira e mercy they must have equal opportunities.
If you like the dive, that’s fine, but with the dive back mercy(or lucio + zen). Ana in dive has nothing to do with it. But the dive does not have to be a dominant meta.


In case anyone is curious, here’s what these numbers look like after estimates to correct win rates for mirror matches using pick rates under probabilistic assumptions (to get true, hero-driven win rate). Formulae and derivations can be found here.

Hero Pick Rate Win Rate
Ana 88.4% 82.1%
Lucio 36.8% 53.4%
Brigitte 33.7% 56.5%
Zenyatta 30.4% 59.5%
Moira 7.9% 51.8%
Mercy 7.3% 50.5%

Caution: There are some potential issues with these estimates that stem from (a) the caveats discussed in the derivation details (like counter picking) and (b) suspicious weirdness in the source data from Overbuff (I’d guess due to counting hero pick “events” rather than matches). And I would be really careful with your interpretation of Master and GM data, because you might be measuring a lot of individual player performance rather than hero performance. I don’t know what Overwatch’s population size looks like at that level, but for most games top tier data is super sketchy.


Where are you getting 80+%?

I put in for Ana:
Winrate: 53.68
Pickrate: 42.67

And got for a non mirror match win:
51.7% rounded

Using all class pickrate 14.79 results to about the same (51.2%)

She doesnt do tons of dmg, lucio, brig, and moira all do between 6.2-6.6k dmg a game. Zen does 9.5k, while ana does 4.3k. Moira by no means out shines other supports in dmg. She is a support with 0 utility, just heals and dmg.

And atm in a meta like goats, which is where one would think she would shine, so many big targets to heal all in a ball, and ana is the better choice. Hard to have a support with 0 utility be strong in the higher ranks.

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Sorry, I should’ve clarified. For pick rate I used the “All” pick rate times six. So 14.73% x 6 = 88.38%. Meaning, her pick rate per match (of 6 slots), rather than her pick rate per hero pick event (approximate per player pick rate if Overbuff is doing what I think they are doing).

Edit: Using ~15% for the pick rate should indeed not shift the numbers much, because that implies only ~2% of matches are mirror matches.

I’m in no way a Moira main, so I don’t know what her main’s love and wish for her.

I agree that I think it’s the lack of utility. But I also think her niche and her resource is counter productive. If she likes shield and tank heavy comps that are grouped together, she’s going to have a hard time recharging healing is the other team also runs a shield protected grouped up team.

Ana depends on a reload and aim which are all effected by her and her team.

Moira depends on recharging by attacking enemy players or by waiting (which takes too long).

I don’t know how they should fix this, but one of the reasons why I don’t play Moira is because I don’t like having to deal with recharging by attacking (I like going full support mode and zones out when attacking enemies)

But wouldn’t using the support class pickrates do this better? You rarely want to have a solo support in ranked anyway (especially with Ana depending on the enemy team or if the Ana can’t defend herself properly).

With the 42% she has a mirror match percent of 17% and a 48% non mirror match

Assuming a 2 support setup, then I think the support pick rate times 2 would be correct. This will probably be near the same value, at least for tiers with well-organized play groups (if GOATS isn’t dominant or something). For pick rate, you want the probability that Ana fills one of the slots on a team, so you can determine how often she appears on both teams.

Overbuff’s pick rates sum to 100% regardless of the filter, so each one has to be (hero pick rate) / (sum of all hero pick rates).

But still with pickrate times 2 (14x2=28), in getting 51%.

Even if I use pickrate 88 with 53 winrate, I’m getting 58% in non mirror matches. No where near 80% winrate