The "Git Gud" Mentality

Yeah it’s hard to lose in gold too even when I try but trying to win is another story it’s as if the game is trying to make you lose by matching you with players who are getting rolled by the enemies no matter the rank is what I am trying to say.

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It’s not.

I’m placed correctly and sometimes I feel so stupid for what even I recognise are blatant play mistakes in retrospect.

“Look towards yourself before looking to blame others.” : from someone who is out of position more times than not :frowning:


I like the fact that people have actually been taking this topic seriously. Some people tried to flag it for trolling, which it was not.

I appreciate all of you who took this serious. This is how discussion gets going.

It hilarious seeing people who have the “I can’t climb therefore the System is broken and it’s not my fault that i don’t try to improve” mentality

The System is very accurate.
If you want to climb, improve. Aka GET GOOD
Otherwise, enjoy being permanently stuck in Bronze.


Almost every post you put up is trolling though. Pretty reasonable to flag it


The only reason people like me are saying this is to help lower ranked players, were not doing it as a joke, or troll. This advice personally helped me climb from placing in high silver season 2, to diamond a few seasons ago. If you don’t want to accept it, then that’s on you. Stay in bronze if you want, my only point in all this is that it IS possible to climb no matter how many people seem to think otherwise; it is hard work and it is not for everyone, but it is possible if you are willing to put in the effort of self-improvement.


That is not actually the topic here, Mercy. As you agreed with before, there are problems with the system that need to be fixed.
Forced losing streaks happen, but not in the way everybody seems to think.
It is not the system making sure you lose. It is trying to see your carry potential (as I see it) by grouping you with people who are NOT the same skill level as you, while putting you against people who are as good as you. It is sort of unfair, but it also is trying to test your leadership skills: can you make good calls to help the team?

The problem with that, is partly the system, but mostly the players. You get such wild variance in players in every match. One game you can go and have everybody communicate and make calls…then the next game, everybody is sitting there calling you racist slurs and being extremely unproductive. Or even just not saying anything at all and its a 1v11 at that point.

The system is only working in theory.
You have people who are improving, but it is not enough to carry 5 other golds or whatever to a higher SR.
Somebody who is worthy of gold, can not carry gold matches. They have to climb through it to get into Plat. And out of plat to Diamond.
And it gets harder because of the flaws of the system IN ADDITION TO the players you can get on each team.

And in order to fix both problems, we have to do something with the system.
And ONLY THEN can people work on the “people problem” that exists.
We need to educate people. Teach them certain skills.
Stop giving the “git gud” advice, because it is not productive.
WE need to tell people what needs to change.
We need to tell people to get in voice chat, and teach them how to make usefull calls.
I do that in every match I play. I encourage people to get in the voice chat with lines like “Hey, I am on Zen and going to be calling out my Discord Orbs a lot. Maybe get in the voice chat so you can help me nuke down these B-words on the enemy team?”

So far, almost every team gets in the voice chat.
Most people respond to a winning mentality, much more than the “git gud” mentality. The Git Gud nonsense needs to stop. Its like saying “well, just make more money at your job, duh” as if that explains everything.

That is what the topic is about.

Normally I would not respond to you, since you are the problem here…but I just want you to know that if you need a friend, I can try and be a person you can talk to. I know you recently quit your job

And I know you like to flag people randomly, just because you dont like what they say

and there are many other posts where you accuse people of being tilted.
I think you are just upset about losing your job, and are running around flagging people randomly to vent your anger.
Take your own advice, and calm down before you make tilted posts on the forums…

Or at the very least, try and keep on topic. IF you do not agree with me, use logic and evidence to support your claim. False Flagging is a bad way to prove your point.

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Even if your skill hasn’t changed, those around you could be improving at a faster rate than you do. You can see it in Overwatch League. Miro’s skill didn’t change at the start of the League, but everyone around him was getting better.


And that is another side of the problem, thank you for bringing that up.
It holds true in every rank. You can be in Diamond, and still actually not be good enough for Diamond. But the way the system works is (so I feel) like this "you have been in Diamond for 3 seasons. you are good enough to stay here, so we will keep you here, unless we see a HUGE change in your skill level. (like you went from 75% accuracy, down to 12% accuracy) "

Some people do not deserve to stay in the rank that they are at, and some people deserve to be higher than the one that they are, but the way the system is designed keeps people in stranges places.
That is why you can see somebody in gold, their only account, who can stomp all over just about anybody, but who are hard stuck because of the enforced 50% win-ratio (its a thing, from Daddy Jeff himself)
Is EVERYBODY hard stuck because of that? LOL NO. Some people just are not that good. But there is a good chunk of the ranked community who are stuck because of the way the system works.

Actually no. There is a good chunk of the community that believes they are stuck because of the system. But there are actually zero people that are stuck because of the system. Contrary to what you believe, the system doesn’t do anything to keep you down.


More accurately: There are a good chunk of the community that probably could be in a higher rank, but don’t put in the time needed to grind through the system because it requires a large amount of time to actually do so; and these people either don’t have the time to do so, or don’t want to commit to it.


Let’s say this is true, and I can agree with most of it, but if it’s true then do those people deserve a higher rank? Of course not. You get what you earn, and putting in the required time, effort, and dedication are facets of what goes into earning something.

Exactly, I wasn’t implying that they deserve a higher rank, only that they probably could be a higher rank if they actually put in the time and effort.

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I know it is anecdotal…but I was almost Challenger Tier in Leaug of Legends, and their MMR system is virtually the same as ours here in Overwatch.
But I made an alt account on there, and could not get out of Silver III.

By your logic, my alt account should have been in Diamond or above.

There is a problem with the LoL system as well, but the only difference is that they went and tried to fix it.
Blizzard is having the exact same issues as before, where mechanically people were playing WELL above their SR, but can’t accumulate enough wins.
I know of a lot of people who have done the same thing here (main is high, but second cant climb) and that is not a good thing. By the general logic here, people would have never been in a higher rank and their alt account would have ended up at the same spot…but they did not. The fact that even ONE person can have two accounts in two different brackets so far apart tells you there is a problem.
People can also make an alt account and place HIGHER than their main account, which defies the logic you use of “git gud”. There is only so much you can do when your account is the problem. That is why people are asking for some changes to the MMR/SR system.
Think about it. Really REALLY think about it. All of you. If a Gold rank player can make an alt account, and have that alt account place AND stay in Diamond and even push…there is a problem with the system. They obviously got gud.
And the same holds true for the high rank guy making a new account and placing far below and not being able to climb.
Instead of dismissing it like the system is absolutely flawless, accept the fact that there are issues that need to be addressed. Just saying “git gud” is not helpful.
There is more to it than that, and none of you are talking about that.

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I personally like the “Git Gud” mentality. Note that it applies to literally everything and not just mechanical skill. Match-ups, ult economy, positioning, survivability, ult usage(anyone can press Q but using it in the right situations is key), etc… Things where if you get picked out in the open you ask yourself "How could I have avoided dying there? Maybe if I were to stand behind a shield or play around a corner? or like “Oh their widow player is doing a lot of work, maybe I should go Winston/Dva/genji and contest her since no one else is” Literally question your own actions every time while making an effort to change ones own playstyle to counter the enemy team. Know the enemy rein likes charging in a lot? Save skills like bubble as zarya, flashbang for mcree, or even countercharge as rein. Know they have grav? better stay fairly split apart.

Sure a person can be mechanically skilled but if their game-sense is horrid they could be doing things that result in a loss when they didn’t realize it (fighting a 1v6 and even wasting ult, using a valuable ult when it’s not needed (zen trans to get away in a clearly lost fight), going on a long long flank having his/her team face a 5v6 before getting to the fight itself, sometimes people not understanding fully of a heroes kit and utilizing it optimally (wall is lava lucios, ana just shooting sleep dart on cd, moira’s healing kit. Things like these can’t really be seen when people claim “I always get gold and my team is bad” without actual vod videos.

Regarding fresh account placements, isnt it the case where anyone playing initial placements even with general knowledge of the game will place 2k-3k? So even if a hardstuck bronze player gets a new account, he/she will technically place higher. Then there’s the argument where they say they can maintain a higher rank, depends on how many games they are playing and what role they are playing as. A mercy player may not require to make much of an impact than to say a widow player.
Now there are people claiming they have an account hardstuck at a low rank while on their alt account its climbing and maintaining its high rank. A couple things, many of those said people post on the low ranking account and when asked to post on the alt/higher account, they almost never do (forgot the password, cant login for x reasons) which raises suspicion (like claiming to be T500, facing all the streamers, but saying can’t post/prove on the account cause of reasons).

Pretty much provide vods when people want advice to climb. Don’t just say i have golds and these are my stats cause there are things that stats can’t show why matches are lost otherwise ask yourself how can I git gud in this situation? (fighting hero x, not dying from snipers, countering enemy ults, reacting to audio cues)


I mean, not really the case at all, but way to make a false assumption lmfao. In case you couldn’t read, i said i QUIT my job. I didn’t LOSE it. I voluntarily left it and found a better one. But anyway, literally every post you make is you tilting and making 0 sense. I’m not flagging them to vent your anger. I’m flagging them so blizzard can maybe do something about you flooding the forums with troll posts such as

“Silver-Plats have no desire to win”
“All golds, Baby!”
“Forced losing streaks”

So yes, when you constantly make tilt posts and they get flagged, don’t be surprised.

But hey, i noticed you’re a gold player who’s constantly tilted and blaming other things besides yourself for your downfalls and shortcomings, so if you need an Overwatch coach to help you improve, my discord is Nickdarick#7021.


IF you disagree with me, you can come in here and actually be productive, like everybody else. I am not trolling or spamming or tilted.
Just because YOU see it that way, does not make it so. Either come in here and discuss, or leave. At this point, all you are doing is attempting to derail the thread, which makes you the only one here doing that, which makes you the troll who makes zero sense. Maybe come in here and tell me why I make no sense.
Maybe come in here and discuss.

Or just keep trolling and falsely flagging.
Join in like this guy down here.
Because at this point, the only person who can’t make sense of the discussion is you.

I like your post, Noshi.
ON topic and well put. I appreciate posts like yours.

But does that really happen often? Where people claim to have high level alt accounts, but never will log in? I know it happens in-game a lot, where people will pull the “Oh, my main is a Diamond, you don’t know what you are talking about, I’m just here to smurf” and other such nonsense.

The thing is, when you start off posts with garbage text, its hard to believe you’ll be reasonable, especially after looking at your past activity.

Spamming, no, you’re not. Trolling, no, you’re probably dead serious in your attempts here. But tilted? You for sure are tilted. You probably post these after playing a few bad games and decide to pick something to complain about. But hey, you want me to look logically at your post? Sure bud.

Reason people fall hefty amounts of SR is due to heavy tilt queue-ing. People will just click that competitive button back to back to back like they’re chain smoking it. Judging by how upset you seem in most of your posts, i assume you too are one of these people.

Oh crap, you actually are being logical. Thanks for making such a good post TracersBum. Keep up the great work.

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So you admit that you are flagging me under a false pretense.
Being “tilted” is not against the Code of Conduct. So thank you for finally admitting that.

You are partially correct on that. There are other factors that should be taken into consideration, but overall yeah. When people queue up while they are angry, they generally perform poorly.
And you are a bad judge of how upset I am. I do not talk when I am angry. I leave and cool down. I do not come to the forums or any other outlet. I go read a book or something until I am calm. So again, false assumptions based off of your uninformed opinion. Please keep that out of the discussion.

Not sure if you are sarcastic or not, because I was when I said that. Blizzard has openly stated that that they make sure to keep players closer to a 50/50 Win/Loss ratio to “create engaging gameplay in a fair and balanced match” (not verbatim, but in essence) and that should not be. That alone has caused a huge raucous in matches high and low.

Thank you for finally trying to actually be a part of the discussion. It is appreciated.

for the same way players can win like crazy on one golf course, but can’t seem to win at another. Same for how a race car driver can rack up wins on a home track but can’t win, maybe for their entire career, somewhere else.

It’s lack of consistency.
There are 100s, 1000s really, of RPG like elements in play for any group of random 6 players on a team. You have team comps, aggro level, risk vs reward issues and how comfortable they are with certain match ups. Same for better on some maps than others or game modes.

3k tank in payload, 2.5k tank due too too much aggro in KOTH maps, unless they get a really aggro pushing support who rolls with them. Now it works but maybe the next game the support has a passive tank, so the aggro support hurts the team.

that’s it… that’s all we have going on in game.
The player who win 58%+ etc sort of games can play with a wider range of team comps, aggro levels, good/bad support and still win games that close.
People who fall, can’t do it. It’s not just a simple as git gud, even if there are of course elements to that in play.

You see this happen all the time in real sports too. Player is really good on team A, not so great on team B. Team B moved around 2 players and now everyone is good again. Yet some how no one thinks it happens in video games, when clearly it does.