There are plenty of other options if you want to play a fps game where one man carries are possible
The flames from this crash and burn post will light the way to GM my siblings
I’ve felt the same way since 2-2-2 tbh
I also dread this new ticket system.
So you are more interested in him and what he does - !REMEMBER! Having alt account is not illegal! He played UNRANKED to GM, he didn’t throw any games - instead of the VERY valuable observation that he makes?
So because this is a team-based game, then it shouldn’t be possible to carry and climb, according to you?
What is the point of a game if your input doesn’t matter?
But that is not what he said. He didn’t say “singlehandedly” at all, and I really doubt that that is what he meant.
It is hard to not agree with his point, that the input of a non-tank should weigh more than it does at the moment, where it is extremely hard to climb on non-tank roles.
[20 charsssssssssss]
Lower ranked players (including you) have no idea how this game works, and their input is often not only completely useless, but actually detrimental to the point they are addressing.
By the looks of it (Overbuff) you are a DVA main. Funny how focused on DVA your post was.
The reason why DVA is suffering, is because there are better tank options that outcompete her. NOT because tanks in general are weak.
Yes but it seems to have got the worst aspects of both.
Too much aim,reaction based & too much team aka matchmaking dependent.
Get over it.
This was always a team based and goal oriented game. You want to shine solely on your own ‘skill’?, then stick with death match or try another game. There are plenty of FPS games out there that cater to solo players.
And people are literally terrible at teamwork at lower ratings. That is precisely the reason they are down there.
But above is also the reason why I have a hate-hate relationship with OW. Im moving away from it slowly but surely. If I could solocarry better, I would enjoy OW more. From marketing point of view, it would be better for Blizz to move away from team-dependency.
Then go frag unranked to gm playing tanks, your help to decrease dps queue time will be nice
This really isnt true, first we had Goats, then we had Doubleshield. In both Metas you was throwing if you picked iff meta and wasnt able to do much on your own. Since the shield nerfs and Hog buff the Game is so much more related on what you do on your own.
Beside that, Tanks are currently in their weakest state they have ever been
Ex-mid to high plat player here! I cant even reach gold nowadays… I also just can play about 3 games until I have to calm myself because the team mates are so unreliable and make the same mistakes over and over again. No one in voice and they dont care about a team comp that works. How can I win with that? My last game I ONLY won because the enemy team had a toxic players that destroyed their will to win… “competetive”… hahhahaha!
Same. But in my case I stay down because I get +10 for a win and about -30 or -50 for a los. Talking about the “ranking experience” you know…
I was having that issue for a bit too but I pulled back out on support mostly by trying to die as little as possible so that my SR losses would be more minimal, and playing Mercy/Brig and just going for the rezzes and fire for maximum SR gains.
DPS is a little weirder, sometimes I gain like 30 SR and then sometimes I gain like 17. On average I tend to lose 20, so I am just like meh.
I have two alt accounts that have never left plat, but dammit I want to play on this one, it’s been my bnet account since day one WoW release, it has sentimental value whereas the others were just to check and see how much I had actually improved without old SR weighing me down. I hardly play them anymore outside of placements or extreme boredom.
This is just lying at this point. Tanks have the least impact of any role. Dps is easy enough hard carry. Supports been better I guess, but ita still fine overall rn. Tanks quite literally can not carry a game (excluding owl I guess)
Yeah I also have the feeling the more you die the more you lose SR and going for rez is making you “look good” in the statistics. Its so bad to think that way instead of trying your best.
I dont have a problem with being in silver. I know that I am a plat player so thats all that matters. I only form points for golden weapons… I just wish it would be less… painful?
I’m kind of the same way, it’s just that whenever I get back into high gold or low plat the difference in game quality is so stark. It’s like 500x faster even in gold, everything in bronze/silver happens in slow motion.
Same. You have no idea how many games I am wishing the other support would maybe heal me just once, or when I’m playing dps I’d like to get healed at all or have a tank that actually holds up its shield.
Worse is when I get flanked by something dumb like getting flanked by an Ana and dying because I’m taken by such surprise and just like WHAT IS SHE EVEN DOING THERE?!!?!?!!! So many weird things happen in low ranks that it can really ruin you for upper ranks because a flanking Ana would be dead in less than a second in plat or higher but in silver she’s camping the spawn LMAO.
Yesterday I had a “frontline Ana” in my team that tried so 1v2 Sigma and Roadhog… I mean… how more “bronze” can you get? I was the 2. support btw…
And you cant do SHI* because her team is backing her up and your team goes in 1 by 1 and getting annihilated. I feel you…
Yesterday I was playing DPS and like I said, I fell to like 800 (got back to 1100 last night though, so back in the right direction). So I was playing Pharah cause I used to be a Pharah one trick when I first started, but they had a bastion and of course I didn’t have a Mercy so I swapped to Genji.
That dude stayed bastion for, I kid you not, four rounds (we had two overtime rounds lmao). I didn’t even have to do anything else other than run in, hit deflect, farm dragonblade. Then two games later there is ANOTHER Bastion and I’m on Sombra. And along with that Bastion is a Ball and a Lucio and a Sigma… it was just like a feeding frenzy for me and none of them ever swapped.
But then the next game I had a feeding Reinhardt and a dps Ana, so yay? I mean it sucks, the only person I can control is myself, and sometimes that just isn’t enough!
Yes and you’re just like “group up!” “group up!” and they just keep feeding…