The game reset my progress on season 17

An additional information: In the webbrowser I can see my season 17 stats and also my sr and rank. So it’s there but not in the game itself.


Same here. My progress for S17 is lost while my duo partner’s progress is still there.


I just checked. It’s true. My stats on season 17 is still there (SR number and hero time played). Which means this is a display bug and easily reversible. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem to fix.

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Similar story. Completed my placements on July 12th (almost 2 weeks after the player started, so I’m definitely not looking at Season 16). Was ranked at 2330. Checked today to see that that progress is gone. Checked the overwatch player lookup and a 3rd party tracker to confirm that there is a record of the season. My only consolation is that multiple people are having the same issue, so it should be fixed.


I have the same problem. I played ow and ranked plat (~2600) with my friend and now i wanted to play again but i was in ranking match 0/10. right now i have over 5hours gameplay this ranked-season but i am in ranking match 2/10. i asked one from my team and he said it is a bug i dont know what to do, i d like to have my rank back. my profile says that i won 15 games in this season.

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Several people are having this problem. Do you know if anyone is investigating further on the issue?? Thanks for your help.


I don’t have confirmation if Blizzard is investigating this, but I also do not anticipate any changes will be made on this given the change for Season 17 and the upcoming changes for Role Queue 2-2-2 in August.

My friends that q together,

1 has lost all his S17 progress (visually)
the other 1 has all S17 progress accounted for

And they play at the same time.
No one is asking for any change lmao we need a FIX for this BUG.
This issue should have nothing to do with 2-2-2 since that comes live sept 1st
so pls can you like tag one of the blue guys to look into this?


It seems like a lot of people (including me) who lost the progress on season 17 was duo-queued with at least 1 other friend? I wonder if that’s related.

And btw, this has nothing to do with role queue update coming up. Unless, well, they are dividing SR number to 3 different scores so some people SR got lost in the middle of the process? I just want my SR from season 17 back as it’s still viewable through web browser but not in-game.


I am utterly disappointed with Blizzard’s Overwatch support. When I have any trouble in World of Warcraft, I can contact a GM, a person who will answer me and tell me what’s going on.

I know Overwatch isn’t a subscription based game, but no official post on this bug and you coming here and telling us they may not even have time to fix this… I am speechless.


This happened to me on console. I got up to 2700 in comp. and now all my progress is gone. Did comp Lucio cause this bug?? Will I still get my stuff when the season ends? Most importantly will this get fixed and can anyone let them know?


Well, I also played 1 placement match in Lucio Ball comp. It may be related.

I also duo queued and I am ranked in in Lucio ball. I hope that we still get the reward at the end of the season even if it isn’t properly displayed.
Ranked isn’t always the best experience (this will hopefully change now with role queue) and getting your rank taken away is really frustrating and takes all the fun out of the game, so please, someone at Blizzard, it would be really nice to look into this.


I also have this problem,

I just did my second time through 1st placement match and lost.
so they game says i have played 1 game of comp this season when in my stats it shows the 5 wins i got in my original placements for this season.

Other sites show the sr i was ranked at when i finished my placements the first time around.

This is strange.
Also i didn’t play any competitive lucio ball but i have played 1 match of normal lucioball.

I took some photos in case anyone needs them.

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What bothers me the most is that the site shows the SR before it was “removed” in-game. So what if the matches we play after that can’t be merged.

It would be nice to have a Blizzard reply on this…


Exactly what I’m thinking. Should I just go with it or wait for one of the devs to come back at the problem? Will my win-lost count on the background or it calculates my SR all over again? And If I leave it there will I get the stuff at the end of the season?


Any info on this? I’m AFK the whole weekend and I can’t check in-game… :confused:

The career profiles online are frozen to the time just before the update. (many forum articles about this problem) Which probably means that your rank is actually lost and the profile online only gives you the info before it was lost. Play time for the season and on specific heroes may be tracked differntly than the rank and such so my guess is that you need to do the placements again to receive rewards at the end of the season. Which…isn’t too great to say it nicely.
But also, some people lost their season 16 stats so maybe blizzard will investigate this problem about losing your stats sometime in the future as soon as role lock isn’t the most important topic anymore.

If that is true, it’s a really disappointing news. I personally don’t enjoy comp that much and only play when I can have a friend that I can trust to at least duo queue with. Having to do the placements all over again, well, will not be a decent experiment for me too. I’m still haven’t done any more comp since the Summer Games update, hoping that it will be reversible since it is clearly a bug and my original stats are provable through the web browser, although chances are I might have to do those once again, which is really disappointing :frowning:


Would be nice if they would tell us what we should do. I’m pretty upset because Comp is very stressful for me and after winning 70% of my matches so far this season I don’t want that taken away from me. I honestly don’t think I can replicate what I’ve done already. It’s so hard to find a team that cooperates on ps4.