The game isnt balanced for GM

I only nitpick when people challenge what i say when theres no need for it, its an informative post, or at least attempts to be, not a highway for drama

im not sure what you mean with this, but what i mean with the whole “not 100%” is that its not 100% balanced only for GM, nothing to do with metas etc, i dont talk about them here because im genuinely not knowledgeable enough on them

reeeeeeeeeeeeead the replies

, youll see what i mean

It’s balanced for OWL :wink:

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…but not exclusively :smiley:

i thank thee for this clip

balancing for everyone is not doable…

balancing bottom up makes no sense…

balancing top down while the correct thing to do is still hard as hell to do in this game

basically…it will never be “right”…you learn to deal with it or complain nonstop about it…

Funny thing is that Brig is only a problem in Masters and above in her current state, yet they are still nerfing her again. She’s supposed to be this Braindead easy to play hero yet she is the 3rd or 4th most played support in Diamond and below. She only reaches Ana level of pick rate in Masters, GM and OWL. If she’s so easy why isn’t she played by all the unskilled noobs in low elo. I would certainly say nerfing a character that is only an issue in high level gameplay is a perfect example of balancing around GM.


actual balance is fine… but only doing patches for META SWITCHES by murdering heroes… to force new heroes is TERRIBLE… and thats what people are complaining about.

so pharah hog sym zen arent weak atm?

sig orisa brig arent strong?

like believe what you want to believe about who the game is balanced for…but i can easily go through these very forums over the past months and probably find many people asking for changes to all those heroes…because people do ask…all the time…

they can do both you know…try to make OWL more interesting and also balance the game…theyre more closely tied together than you think

if you actually take a look at the numbers you will see that brigs stats are very close to ana, bap… she has like 1% higher pickrate than ana, winrates are nearly the same of them all.

there is the difference of wanting all heroes to be good in niches, situations or usual games and forcing changes.

OWL wont get any more interesting with artificial games. people already know this people are good players, blizzard just decides what you gonna play. its not true skill. on the back of the whole community since casuals have to relearn their fav heroes every 2 months which becomes exhausting. instead of murdering your casual scene give OWL players just the tools to play their artificial, boring metas they all wanna play. it cannot be so hard than ruining the game for 99% of the players.

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you didnt address my question…

are they not addressing heroes that people (the 99%) are asking them to address with these changes…are they not addressing things people generally consider weak or strong? have people not been begging for changes to double shield for like a year now?

the answer is yes…

that doesnt mean you have to like the changes…but they are still addressing the game…“they balance strictly for OWL” is fun and juicy but its not what happens man…