The game is basically full of Smurfs

You’re joking, right?

They just banned over 5000 cheaters.

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last time the numbers were posted they had 50 million concurrent players, even if there were only 10 million playing NA thats not even a percentage of a percentage of a single point of actual cheaters.

I’m so glad I don’t play comp mode :slight_smile:

It’s much simpler in arcade and QP. Players still cry about “smurfs,” in these modes too, but it’s more an indication of poor sportsmanship than any basis in reality. Comp sounds complex, and kinda angry. I have a lot of respect for those who tough it out and climb that ladder.

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To top it off, the more you play (higher borders), the more you get penalized from teammates or community if you don’t perform as well compared to the other smurfs in the team, which the following comment is made from that smurf:

“You’re a plat border and you’re still $H*T at this game!”


A bronze border, brand new account is more likely to be respected, feared, even given a wide berth if the player can actually connect their shots/abilities.

Now take that same player and put them on a silver border+ account, they’ll be mocked and border shamed for it which may tilt the player or conversely, make the other player perform better against them.

Knowledge is power.

played from gold to diamond and there’s smurfs at least 1in5 games in all 3 ranks. Sometimes people are using their smurf account to warm up and end up playing 2 tiers below their station til the end of the match when they’re more warmed up Often admitting to doing so as well.

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They do… It’s called quick play…

Smurfs didn’t bother with Open Queue. I wonder if that’s why i was 2780 over there, while i get crap game after crap game in Role Queue at f’n 1800.


I hate smurfs as much as the next guy, but this is a video game. No shock collars required. Have some perspective and realize its a battle the devs can never win and accept it. Or don’t.

or realize that they can win the battle with the community help and people who support smurfing are just as guilty. But hey Mr private profile at lvl 49, I’ll take Your word for it >_>


Lead by example I guess.

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If quick play awarded ressonable xp id play it but u get anywhere from 2k to 100 xp a game and thats nothing compared to comp 5 to 6k

you get most your exp based on time played. Technically QP offers more cause you get faster games. then it’s increased further by more chances for bonus to gain victory exp.

U also have a chance to having a 30 second game in quickplay getting u around 1k xp or u can backfil and have the game end immediately

They already allow you to group within 1000 SR for most ranks and those games when you get diamonds and golds in the same game also happen to be of the absolute worst quality. If your friends are more than 1000 SR below you instead of smurfing to play with them tell them to git gud. Or else play arcade or qp. If I had it my way it would be 250 max SR difference in order to group in all ranks.

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I have to disagree here, because many people on top create alts to do unranked to gm and they very well know that system has limitations, they might try hard but it doesnt change the fact that they will be smurfing from plat/dia to gm.

They know they dont belong in gold/plat/dia, they know they will place there, they know their skill on heroes they play is top500. They do it anyway, they are no better in my eyes. Its the same as deranking to bronze.

You could see it as difference between soneone who steal car and someone who steal 5 $. They are both thiefs.


They should start using levels as a factor in matchmaking. The amount of <100 level widow/pharahs on console destroying in gold/plat is a joke.

They say the MMR will push them out, but it’s clearly not working. I see widows with a higher crit accuracy than pro players do hanging in high plat on console.

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Another way to phrase it: why is the system so pathetically inaccurate that the highest rank a new account can possibly place is diamond?

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I was hoping you would do that.

To answer your question: Because of smurfs.

Overwatch can’t have an accurate estimation system when players are working to actively stay deranked.


my guy, i physically cannot place a new account in the correct rank. your blaming that on smurfs? man that creates smurfs