The game is basically full of Smurfs

The devs are only looking at console because it affects their revenue stream. They don’t care about smurfing on pc because each purchased account is another 15-20 dollars in blizz bank.

Simply put. They don’t care.

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As someone who has always solo queued, Its so bad now I might just quit the game. Between smurf and throwers (basically future smurfs) it has become impossible to climb. I’ll be the first to admit my SR wings from bronze to gold, but the last few seasons are just entirely dictated by horrible matches inundated with gameplay sabotage. If blizzard doesn’t do something fast, i can’t see how we can call this competitive anymore. it’s just not.


a plat border doesnt necessarily mean any of that, there’s plenty of plat borders in silver


Maybe you don’t understand the definition of smurf. A smurf is an ALTERNATE ACCOUNT on which someone purposely places lower or loses games to get to a lower rank than their skill level. Having a platinum border means it is his main account, so it’s not a smurf. So yes, the border does mean that that player is not relevant to this thread.

congrats, your part of the problem. Why would anyone have more than one account? other than selfish reasons.


People smurf on their mains all the time its called deranking. Also the term smurf is sometimes used to describe any alt account, even if its higher SR than your main. I have seen top 500 streamers say “brb going on my smurf” and then proceed to log into another top 500 account.

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So you admit you’re misusing the term. Got it.

Uhhh… could you NOT mess with blizzard’s revenue stream and just gitgud?




Smurfs are 100% a problem in every rank, every single day.
They could be doing any of these, at any time of day:

  • Purposefully playing in a lower rank for easy games or for group boosting - always involves intentional throwing / soft-throwing / playing on a hero that they know they suck at / feeding / soft-feeding / etc
  • Boosting an account, with account sharing
  • Unranked to GM (game by default places them with gold/plat players in placements, people can manipulate this with their quick play MMR)

Yes, the game will get them to their proper skill rating eventually (if they even wanna get there), but keep in mind that IT IS HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE DOING THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY, even right now.


maybe you should go see what i was replying to instead of getting this worked up about us non bronze borders :nail_care:t3:

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If you think otherwise then I feel bad. This game has gone downhill since brig and it’s obvious they have 0 intentions of saving it.


I did. You lack reading comprehension or can’t admit when you’re wrong. Either way, ignore listed.

Well all games played competitively have smurf accounts blizzard cant fix it look at r6 thats been out forever and people still smurf

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“My god…it’s full of smurfs…” - 2001


My point was this player was playing at a much higher level than silver.

You’re right, I can’t comprehend your reply here lol

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they’re just mad that i said a plat border player doesn’t mean they’re smurfs lol, they kept saying my reply had nothing to do with the thread, when i had just replied to you…but i’m the one with reading comprehension issues apparently :woman_shrugging:

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yeah but im just saying the border doesnt mean anything in this case, there’s a lot of plat borders in silver who have really good games because they have a lot of play experience…but usually they play bad and it’s why they’re in silver

unless you saw their previous ranks, it’s not as common for plat borders to be smurfing, they’re usually bronze borders

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Another way to phrase your question: What is wrong with throwing-off and confusing the match maker?

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“jeff said smurfs are a problem”

yeah sure, kinda like how cheating is a problem too, too bad we dont ever see anything done about it.

talk is cheap, and jeff has done a WHOLE LOT OF TALKING LATELY.