The game is balanced

The game is balanced.

Problem is matchmaking.

But the game itself is balanced.


No it isn’t balanced.


Human beings are inherently unhinged. Not sure how to balance around this issue.

The same heroes dominating for entire seasons does not equal balance.


It’s more balanced than it used to be but it’s definitely not entirely balanced.


HAHAH yeah maybe the counterspicking circle on tanks dont exists xd

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It isn’t balanced when we’re the ones losing.

The game is probably at its worse balance in years.

Its more unbalanced than ever. The rift between DPS role god tier and garbage can is absolutely MASSIVE.

And without a balanced, fair and unbiased DPS role with a viable diversity of heroes, the other roles are never going to be balanced either. Any tank/support that counters flankers/snipers will get destroyed eventually.


Say that in the face of a tank player


wild thing for someone who thinks lucio’s wallride needs a cooldown to say

Don’t tell sym main it’s balance when she’s sitting under the bottom of the ocean

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Before season 9 it was pretty close. Season 9 caused so many problems with mobility creep

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As a tank player-

The current balance of the game is closer than it has been for much of overwatches history.

Only a handfull of blatantly overpowered / underpowered heroes- The majority of the cast is in a useable state where most of the players exist on the ladder.

That isnt to say its without its trouble characters or “gameplay issues”, of course (especially for the tank role as a whole. Tanks still need some much needed love overall, but these are largely gameplay issues rather than balance issues. I dont feel tanking is “Weak”, so much as its just generally miserable a lot of the time).

Ask the supports about venture, or dive in general.

Mercy is not balanced, Venture is not balanced, Reinhardt is not balanced, Tracer is not balanced, Sombra is not balanced, Genji is not balanced so no. The game is not balanced and additionally has a matchmaking problem.

Yes Reaper/Sym/Junkrat are just as good as Tracer/Venture/Echo/Sojourn. Definitely no difference.


If balanced means i have interesting choices around who i get to play, then no, its not.

Its moira. Its always moira. Make it stop.

Got to nerf Doom, Tracer and Sojourn then!

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me when i lie and cope

The problem is absolutely matchmaking I swear this is the worst its ever been