The Future of Overwatch Esports

Blizzard’s direct involvement is always a bad sign. Broodwar is the only blizzard esport still standing on it’s own legs, and that is solely because KESPA kicked blizzard out, blizzard has no involvement with it.


Please please please allow us to purchase the OWL gray skins before all the OWL team skins are inevitably removed from the shop.


Just give it up already. Jeeze Louise


There have been several instances of top-level teams from each platform going head to head. It’s been close every time I’ve seen one. It was funny when console won and PC comments were still like “Well, they just had better comms”, like they still couldn’t admit there is no skill gap.

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People still holding up that one instance of console players winning as some justification top console players can hang with the pros?

I feel like the skill ceiling is much higher on pc though and you aren’t so hardware limited

Not saying top end controller players are bad but them winning doesn’t mean much. They are probably at a semi-pro PC level

Do you people understand what’s important for E-Sports?

It grows NATURALLY coming from the PLAYERS.

You know why Counterstrike has been the most popular E-Sports Shooter for more than 20 years? Because back in the days people met up at LAN parties, meeting friends, playing the game, having a good time.

Overwatch 2 is a FOMO cash grab game built around making MONEY, not being FUN and that’s why your E-Sports will fail forever.


Blizzard… please stop.

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We are excited to announce this partnership with FACEIT, whose involvement in both NA and EMEA OWCS will boost our ability to bring great experiences to the esports community. Their platform provides an open infrastructure that enables all players to find a network to connect with competitions, teams, brackets, and standings – simplifying the entire experience.

I still can’t believe it took over 7 years (SEVEN!) for these people to realize that esports, at its heart, is and has always been a community-driven effort, not a centralized corporate effort.

Now the question is: can you create a tournament, broadcast and organize it freely at will without any need to license it?

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Man, the ppl who were cheering the demise of OWL are seething and I’m all for it.

Bring on the next chapter of OW esports, I for one love the look of this, looks more sustainable and accessible than the old OWL model.

I doubt we’ll be able to buy OWL skins any more since the teams no longer exist. Some of them might still exist but since it’ll no longer be the same teams every year it’s kinda hard to put team skins in now.

Perhaps they’ll just make a standard skin like they do with Contenders.

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Yeah you don’t speak for everybody chief. There are a lot of people-myself included-who enjoyed Overwatch League despite it’s mismanagement, so we’re looking forward to this.

We don’t even know how they’ve planned this behind the scenes and yet people are already dismissing it. I’m prepared to wait and see where it goes, along with others who enjoy the esports scene.

I get you’re happy because now you something new to hate and whine about on the forums like you’re other doomer brethren, but we’re not all as sad as you who have nothing else going on in their lives except to hate something that others enjoy.


There’s going to be so many more whining posts in the coming months. And I’m looking forward to having a good laugh


What are the rewards for Watching wil we get some sort of new tokens or do we get skins ?
Or Something else ?

Andy comes and rubs your feet while you watch (the game, not Andy).

I think I’m more concerned about on what platform it’s going to be streamed on. It can’t stay on Youtube. Youtube is just a terrible platform for rewards etc, so I’m hoping it hops back to Twitch

From what this sounds like, it seems much more sustainable than the OWL. OWL seemed to rely on sponsors and advertisements a lot, whereas this infrastructure seems to rely more on mutually beneficial partnerships.

I’m excited to see how this pans out. :slight_smile: Also pls bring back the casters from OWL they were great :pleading_face:

Why are South America, China and Australia out the competition?

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Hey there Overwatch team!

Big hugs from South America! Did you know that such a place existed? I know, shocking that we’re more than just jungles, Brazil and Perú. Probably just forgot about us that time you took our servers and merged 12 countries inside the Brazil one, I was hoping you would acknowledge we exist at this point, but oh well, maybe when OW3 comes out in a few years?


Dude, I proposed a system similar to this in the Overwatch comp Reddit and got down voted into oblivion.

Overwatch has become an extremely awkward “team” game as they keep ramming in increasingly individual mechanics. There should not be individual ranks, it is just asking for toxicity and it’s not even in line with how the eSport side of ow works. The comp mode in its current form is basically an arcade mode with makeup, and often times you can’t even play with your friends due to elo ranges. There is no shared pride or incentive to sit down and practice strategies with friends because they think just queuing comp mode over and over again is going to magically make them a better player. Except they are just playing with other bad players over and over again and turning their playstyle to be more and more selfish because of the belief that everyone else is the problem.


so what happens to our existing OWL tokens?