The funny headshot perk bringing out the worst ana players

please make it stop, literally one of them got 2k healing on my team in a 9 minute match please give mercy a funny perk like this so they go to her instead

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Mercy needs better perks not worse.

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That GA range one is kinda goated.

Interesting, I thought anybody could play Ana and run the lobby


Honestly, Iā€™d rather have a Mercy perk that reduces the GA cooldown back to the original 1.5 seconds instead of a longer GA range.

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The other one is self nano lol you think that is better?

There are some players in the game that even a badly placed torb turret can consistantly outplay no matter the hero selected. Many of them gravitate towards support (I am not saying all supports - just those players) esp if there are shiny new the role.