The forums hypocrisy

The ball nerf

Forums: Blizzard should stop balancing exclusively around high ranks and OWL.
Blizzard: For the first time makes a change that makes a character less annoying in low ranks and that changes nothing in high ranks


As i said before the ball change was the only one that made sense.

idk about the opinions of the others


I think people are more mad about the fact that a tank got a nerf for pretty much no reason while the some of the best dps in the game got buffs… Also for no reason.

It’s not what was changed, but the fact that there were buffs/nerfs. It just follows the pattern of buffing dps and power creep while nerfing tanks.

Think about it. Every time there is a meta, it is the tanks who are nerfed to change it. Not that there haven’t been tank buffs or nerfs for other roles, but they have consistently nerfed tanks every time they’re meta whether they needed it or not.

The buff to McCree is also a nerf to ball since he is a counter.


Ball has plenty of counters. If you cant take the time to swap that’s on you. You get stuns for ball and hitscans for pharahs. It’s not that hard people.

Ball also lost a ton of advanced techs from this nerf too. You took one of the most skillful tanks and turned them into a simplified mess.


I can say the same as for Doom. If you can’t take your time to stun him, then its only your fault. Both of them are the most counterable heroes by solo stunning them and Cassidy got a buff to just do that even more efficently.

No one wanted more stuns and flawed cooldown designs.

And the changes were picked from the Experimental Card made by 3 pro players so no, its not made for the community at all.

that’s the thing without stuns and CC the game would be free for these characters. Obliviously I still think Cassidy should be nerfed but this specific Ball nerf changes so little that it doesn’t really change anything for the worse.

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There’s another post on here. I would link it but forums TOS says I can’t. It details everything that can no longer be done by high level balls due to this one change. It talks about “tips” since the new nerf.


Do people seriously think mcflip and bouncy arrow affect anything at low elo. lmfao this is a forum wide troll

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Problem with Ball is that,grapple time is directly tied to his mobility and damage. Dva only “boops” a bit and still has 4 sec CD flight time. If you put Ball on 6 sec max grapple time, you are reducing his movement and offensive cap inmensely.

It just…makes no sense.

This change removes uses beyond the spin2win tactic.

It’s not even like spin2win is hard to counter. Just lazy whining


I can speak on behalf of moira that while her buff is fun I dont know if its the one she needed it doesn’t fix her inharent problem of having no utility though a buff is a buff so beggers cant be choosers

This also comes from a 6v6 standpoint so how this will translate to 5v5 idk

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The post literally starts out by saying “the ball nerf.” I don’t know how you started talking about mcree and hanzo.

The reading comprehension of people on this forum is astounding.

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the ball nerf is so inconsequential it is astonishing that a post would be made about it.

Ball is a better tracer taking away his ability to what hold on for dear life on the edge of a map or spin 2 win. hilariously nothing nerf. In fact I believe he needs more nerfs.

Wrecking ball has abysmal win rates across ALL ranks.

He has the lowest or 2nd lowest win % from bronze to GM.

Why did he get nerfs after nerfs and you are suggesting even more nerfs?

It’s almost like the forums contain multiple individuals with differing opinions. :astonished:


I mean, thats usually reaction you get from people who get their mains nerfed, does not matter rank they are in.

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Nothing wrong the change. It’s how they did it. Just slapped it onto live with no experimental. Maybe if it was put there first we could’ve told them to add a timer so Ball players know when it’s about to break. What’s the point of the experimental card if not for solving stuff like this?

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The forums is not one person. Everyone on here has different opinions.