The Forum Gods 3.0

No Spunkypotatoes? I’m disappoint.

I remember hearing something about that, but it’s cause I know they were treating him really unfairly and trying to silence him at one point. I have interacted with him a couple times on the forums and in-game arcade, and every time he seemed like a pleasant dude.

I got banned/silenced multiple times over BS too so i’m not surprised blizz does those kinds of things.

One of them was when I called out blizzard for removing a dairy queen post someone made for fun, everyone was enjoying it and being nice to eachother and the user was banned after briefly having his post removed, i made a very similar post and the same happened to me…meanwhile blizzard has had posts with very racist titles that stayed up for days, I know that different people moderate these forums/threads and they can’t see 100% of everything, but i think 99% of people would have really appreciated something hateful and nasty like that be taken down instead of some off-topic food post that was for fun.

I will be honest, I only know less of the half of the list, and I have no idea who some of these users are. :man_shrugging:

Yeah thats a normal thing they do, Nothing to do, best thing we can do is create our own communities outside of blizzs control, not like any feedback here is read anyways, (cant even blame em, half of the people here are absolutely biased and just want their favorite heroes to be OP and their least favorite ones deleted)

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is there a significance to how for the first part of the list everyone has a pink blob next to their name, and then after that, they dont?

thats a brain, dodo

Not a blob

so in essence, the first half of the list, those folks have a brain, and the later half, they dont…

Or they just forgot the bullet point :thinking:

Then don’t?

We’re all pink blobs within walking corpses.
MEKA activated

About my filthy edit
I begged for Hawaiian BOB everywhere where I could, here on forums. I think it’s time to invade twitter. And also make a post on Reddit and Megathread after that campaign. And also I need some editing skills to spread this idea in memes. Its time to get Hawaiian BOB

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Why do some of them have big brain and others not?

I don’t favor this passive aggresiveness

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