The "Forced Loss" Theory FINALLY debunked

Ah, ok…

Let me give you an idea of what is going on behind the scenes, because the matchmaker was TRYING to give you games where you were evenly matched.

Say you were the best in the world. ALL of your matches would be with people worse than you. Say you were the worse in the world. ALL of your matches would be with people better than you.

The matchmaker can’t give you games which solve that, because there isn’t the players to do so. So you hit masters, You will play most of your games with AND AGAINST worse players.

Because almost all of the players queuing will be worse than you, and it is slim picking above you.

On the other hand, you were most likely the best player in the match, on both sides.

There isn’t a solution for that.

It doesn’t mean it is trying to give you unfair matches.

Its not a system that prevents you from ranking. It just occasionally forces you to lose by stacking the enemy team againts your underperforming teammates to keep your winrate in check.

Yep, blizz made it pretty hard to know for sure.

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This is terrible and it has been a constant even in OW1.
Now you can’t see the Icons of the players and I am positive the reason why is to not expose how insane the disparity is.

I literally quit Comp on OW1 because of this. Trying to climb as a 2900 SR DPS when your tanks are 1900-2100 is not fun, fair, or balanced. And this is not a “feeling”, this is an empirical fact.

It simply destroys the integrity of the match. It just becomes a race to see who can make the less ranked player on the enemy team explode faster.

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How exactly is this fair? Why would anyone say “This is a fair system”? .

Say you were an NFL pro quarterback. Does the NFL then say “OH hey this guy is a good quarterback let’s give him little leaguers and put them up against college or other pro NFL teams.” Do you honestly think the quarterback will be happy about this or think this is fair? And vice versa. I wouldn’t want to have a pro quarter back carry me through a game.

I stopped reading here.
Forced winrate has nothing to do with ranking. It just means you are forced into lose 50% of your matches. Even top 500 players can have 50% winrate.

Well yeah but you can’t argue about the semantics of a forced loss and call it a day, while also still fully acknowledging the fact that unwinnable matches exist, which are synonymous terms for the same phenomenon due to the harmful and heinous nature of handicapping within the design realm of OW. From your regular extremely skewed QP matches to the worst case scenarios of a +4,6k SR rank 1 tank player Yeatle losing in gold while trying to carry the match on their main role and a plethora of similar examples from all over the matches

Since the matchmaking system is predeterministic in it’s evaluations and biased player priorities (overlooking better gameplay fits vs. individual systematic factors) the distinction between “this was decided” vs. “this just happened” is no longer there and the former applies to the matches. That is because handicapping doesn’t just “even out” the playfield with pure MMR values and simple math, it also looks at your present performance histories and other possible factors that end up with teams having way more irregularities and wider MMR(/SR) gaps than would be intended. Stacking the odds against the great consistent performers by matching them with low inconsisten performance individuals while still holding opponents up to the standard of the stronger player while they also happen to be good consistent performers; leads up to an unwinnable match in almost every situation these “mishaps” happen in

Which is why there is such a massive advocacy community-wide to make matchmaking restrictions apply again so that these matches would be a near impossible equation even at the expense of adding some time to the queue, because it is a necessity for the games to actually function properly and for them to be able to meet at least the minimum expectations of the players. If these aspects are neglected completely as a “shortcut” for a byproduct like lower queue times, then the action is intentional leading up to the predeterministic system deciding the outcomes of more matches than said outcomes just happening naturally. That is because they’re considerably out of the realm of natural player-sided performance RNG, which is the only variance that should really effect the outcome of the game. In cases where it would be the only variance besides very minor base MMR differences, the matchmaking wouldn’t be predeterministic in it’s nature and it would be a whole different ordeal. That’s the massive disconnect in this whole discussion

Tl:dr; There’s a difference between “the opposing team just was better” vs. “the opponents just played better


They are not. They are putting you in the college team vs another college team.

You are looking around and saying “I should be with NFLers, why are we getting this college trash”, but you are ALSO facing college trash.

News flash: Two things can be true at once. A forced loss system does not exist. And people who do believe it will claim it’s to prevent them from ranking up.

I am not saying that “forced losses” exists. I am saying that the MM Is pure lazy and races to put you in a game regardless of what your rank is or how you play. This could result in mass losses which could look like a forced loss. This entire game is one big RNG luck of the draw game nothing more.

Good, because I never said that. I am only repeating what I have heard others say.

Hold up, I’ve seen you before…

I’m not sure if you play comp or not and if you do above diamond but when or if you do you’ll see exactly what I am talking about because the majority of my games this simply isn’t true.

There shouldn’t be an excuse for my DPS to have less than 2k damage in 5 games in a row at the masters level.

I was in diamond briefly, but I am a low plat scrub.

I have made matchmakers, I know what they are trying for, and honestly, there is zero reason they would do what you are saying they do.

I’ve had people level the same accusations at the matchmaker I made, and it wasn’t bright enough to do this either.

My point is, people ALWAYS feel like this is what is happening with the matchmaker, regardless of what the matchmaker is actually doing.

To be honest I don’t think the matchmaker is out to get me or anyone else. I think the matchmaker is just lazy and rushes to make a game and if you’re good enough, or lucky enough, you’ll gain ranks. Unfortunately, there are some people who aren’t lucky and get bad games. I think it’s just luck you either get really good teammates who are on the ball with everything or you get bad teammates who just throw or don’t know game mechanics etc.

There are exceptions like the pro players who no matter what they do they’ll become the best but sadly we all aren’t pro players and even more sadly some of us are held back by this lazy matchmaking.

…apparently it’s more fun to blame literally everything else than consider the simple fact they’ve likely hit their skill-ceiling on a particular character… :thinking:


Here we agree, or rather, I think the matchmaker’s weighting on how much it cares about how long people have been waiting is WAY too high.

So games for people who have been waiting end up more important than games where everyone is the right MMR.

And that sucks and IS avoidable.

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The people that post these patent numbers like they’re some kind of meaningful argument haven’t actually read them.

They cherry-pick half-sentences out of them which they think support their points, but anyone that actually bothers to read the patents knows they’re either irrelevant or describing something else.

Sorry that you too have had your time wasted on this. Welcome to the club.


I hate this club, the people are nice, but the job isn’t. Why did I join it?


All part of the job. :sunglasses:


Fact-checking things you see on the internet is always a good habit.

Correcting disinformation is nearly impossible, unfortunately.


unwinnable matches exist in every game that involves teams / teamwork.

There is nothing the devs or anyone can do about that.