The forced 50% w/r does exist on paper in solo comp

But you see his arguments are flawed too. You have absolutely no proof that there is 2000 sr worth of disparity in any given match. It’s impossible to prove in the first place because the only way that would even be possible is if most people are on alt accounts. So regardless of whether that’s true or not, it cannot be proven so it is a pointless argument.

There is a reason this philosophy has been phased out for the most part in the last decade, It isn’t competitive. Call of Duty has used it for a dozen years and what kind of reputation has that brought. People would hop onto the game on holidays when new players were in abundance and farm them. That’s that kind of system you are promoting to have more competitive integrity. A random match brings team variability up infinitely.

I’m not sure why this even remotely matters. There is different ladders for competitive CTF and other side modes. Why should a mode in a completely different style of the game take that into account. You acknowledged why doomfist farms in those games already. There is no teamplay. So why is it a bad thing that a doomfist has to play different in a totally different environment.

Also wrong. League of legends comparison again. There are characters specifically built to be strong in 1v1s, but be weak in teamfights. Don’t even try to bring out the argument that you shouldn’t use hero specific scenarios when we are talking about a game with the same thing.

Yes it does. Every competitive team game does it. If it was so bad then there would have been an uproar a decade ago. Yet all these games continue to use the system. You act like the game puts you into one game, and decides whether you are good or not off of that. So if you get a bad team, the game thinks you are also bad. It doesn’t work like that. That’s why the more you play, the more accurate your rank will be, and the more chance you have to climb elo.

It is irrefutable that the system works. LoL is a character based game that is even more punishing because you can’t swap mid game, and in many games you specific counters are chosen against you, and it has one of the most respected ladders in gaming.

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