The experimental card makes 5v5 sound awful

I know (I hope) none of these tank changes will be translated into Overwatch 2, let alone Overwatch. But if this is a forecast of what to look forward to in solo-tank 5v5, then count me out. These tank changes are downright oppressive and unfun.

Literally none of what’s in the Exp. Card this time around is making it to live. It’s literally just something the devs & content creators did for fun.


I know (I hope ) none of these tank changes will be translated into Overwatch 2, let alone Overwatch.


The Orisa one is pretty fun.


imagine if they balanced the live game for fun


What I think the experimental card is a positive move, it let blizzard to see those situations they haven’t think before. They could have a brainstorm of some heroes rework and see a different way to adjust and balance the game.

I need time to have more test, but I feel that Orisa and Brigitte change is better than I thought. And I think Blizzard should start to fix the stun skill in game.

My suggestion: healer with continuous healing make tank immune to stun.
(Hero affected: Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, Moira)

Yeah that’s what happens when there’s two of them. That’s why we’re losing a tank :man_facepalming:

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Of course they’re oppressive, Flats made them significantly stronger than anything we’ve been shown with none of the drawbacks. Well… at least the ones he likes.

I’d like Orisa’s rework if armour did more than minus five damage to the attacks of certain characters. The fun in playing Exp Orisa drops dramatically for me when I get nuked out of the blue. Let tanks be tanks.

this has nothing to do with the change to 5s

I find the larger bubble Zarya change actually useful in a 5v5 format. It allows both you and a teammate to block a bit of damage for your team.

This experimental is the 1st time i’m actually having fun playing ow in years. What are you even talking about? These changes are great

I agree with him in mostly everything he said in this video

tbf we are seeing them with 2 tanks at the same time

Except it isnt Orisa.

Orisa is a defence bunker hero, not a brawler. One of the main reasons i quit playing her since Shield nerf.

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The Aprils Fools Call Mech buff went through to live so let’s wait and find out. :upside_down_face:

It’s not just the experimental that’s making 5v5 look bad- it’s everything they’ve said about it and all the gameply they’ve shown of it as well.

This is literally content creators (streamers) having fun making changes to their respective main roles. I don’t see why you’d infer it has anything to do with OW2 balance.

This should go live.
