The DPS blame game is strong in low elos

Naah, healers get blamed as well.

There’s plenty to go around on the Singapore servers. Often they do it in a different language so they can bypass the filters and think nobody will notice.

Thats the main problem: Supports and Tanks can hide behind the lack of scoreboards to see what and who they are healing and how much damage are they taken instead of blocking etc … DPS cant.

Low elos dont understand that killing the enemy or getting picks is not a one man effort so when “nothing is dying” only DPS gets the blame. Its so bad that a Developer had to make a post about it in the forums.

Go figure.

I think it’s pretty usual for tanks to have the gold elims though.

Do you have a link to this post?

In low ELOS they get HARD pocketed by supports so yeah, its not weird to have gold elims as a Tank, even silver damage.

That and the fact the game literally places the spotlight on DPS.

They get more medals centered around their role, are featured more in the kill feed, and are highly favored in POTG.

There’s nothing in the game that gives props for a clutch shield that blocked an ability, or a clutch heal that kept someone alive.

If you suck at DPS, it’s extremely obvious to everyone.

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I think it’s because in low Elo’s it’s easier for bad tanks and bad supports to still get mediocre value, whereas bad DPS get no value and sometimes even negative value. Still they shouldn’t get all the blame. No matter the ranks, everyone is more or less equally responsible for the win or the loss.

It’s not really that simple though. Some characters will have specific roles in compositions meaning that they won’t have a chance to hoover up medals or POTGs (Sombra being the best example here). But that doesn’t really matter though as many people’s perceptions of the role pretty much boils down to being a “pew-pew, people die” role.

100% agree and I hope it’s something that is rectified somewhat for OW2.

What if the DPS stay with the team and help out the Tank, but Support play Bap and Ana and can’t hit anything smaller than a Hog?

Long gone the days where DPS are trying to 1v6, even in Gold. It’s the Healers who can’t heal them or the Tanks takes low ground that force the DPS to leave the team to find angle and contest high ground.

Average Ranks favorite strat for Tanks and Support is still that of walking in the open under heavy fire from high ground and wonder why their DPS are so trash.

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I guess you never played support…
I was a support main for months and such “blame game” has no other role, I swear… people dying out of position blame everything on support. As I started to play DPS, I relised, that there is much less toxicity against dps, than supports… Fun fact is, that I am a decent support, but I quite suck as DPS.

What even is this? DPS should always be looking for a safe off angle or higher ground. Think about the kits for DPS that play on the backline for just a few seconds.

  • Hanzo: Run up walls to higher ground
  • Ashe: Coach gun up to higher ground
  • Widow: Hook anywhere
  • Junkrat: Explode to anywhere
  • Pharah: Jetpack to anywhere
  • Soldier 76: Massive levels of sustain
  • Bastion: Infinite sustain
  • Torb: Emergency button and area denial

All of them have tools to either get to higher ground, sustain themselves, or defend themselves while attacking from off angles.

Hell, even if you play Genji on the backline spamming shurikens (why people do this though?) his kit just lends itself to getting higher on an off angle and raining down hell along with deflect for taking the heat off him while he gets back behind cover or being able to dash back to team.

Yes, but you not gonna do much against the enemy DPS who are both on high ground and well supported.

And no, majority of DPS can’t sustain themselves, even Soldier has his healing station on a long cooldown (10, 12 sec I think) other Hitscan like MCcree, Ashe and Widow almost requires a Mercy glued to them 24/7. Sure you can play the solo style, but unless you can secure picks, you will lose out the poke phase or have too much downtime finding healthpack.

The real problem in average rank, as I observe, is that the Tanks feed too much and the Supports don’t pay any attention to other squishies.

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Also for a lot of the time it rewards DPS for playing very selfishly. If you watch high level games DPS players peel so often for their backline. But for a lot of low elo DPS that’s considered ‘someone else’s job’ along with a long list of things.

The game mechanics give DPS players immediate gratification for getting kills, whereas it rewards tanks and supports with teamplay. It’s very easy to play a support in the backline getting constantly attacked by a flanker and the dps just ignore it because peeling doesn’t reward them as much as getting kills, even if it makes the game easier to win.


I’m bronze and I don’t listen to anyone in chat they do not have anything worth listening too.

Yes. And they will disgustingly use open mic.

90% of this is “you’re not good at the game” and how exactly am I supposed to get better at the game other than by playing it? I’ve use aim training workshop codes probably too much, to the point where I’m anticipating predictable bot movements, not real player movements.

Dude i was playing hanzo in hight silver , somehow i did 3 kill in a row by just clicking on head of the enemies and we won , my teammates were like : Damn hanzo you have carried the game !

The thing is : I did’nt even make theses kills on purpose

Meanwhile in plat i can clean up or whip out the enemy team as tank or support and nobody bat an eye , they just want to see the nano Genji making some kills and “carrying” us.

Its a good story. Made up, but good.
I’ve played tank and support (Zarya and Zen) in Silver and Gold and when I destroyed 3 dudes straight up with no Ice, people that NEVER spoke to that moment in the VC went "Yooooooo … LETS GOO HYP!"

Anything that puts you on the kill feed will get cheers, whatever role you are playing. Thats the truth.

I’m just telling my own experience , how the flick would I lie and create something that never happened ?

Was on a game last night, was doing okay on Widow, got several picks on their supports, however when I was told to swap off for little to no reason, I just went with it and swapped to Hanzo

Then for the next 15 minutes I was harassed about how I said “swap” and stuff because I stuttered a couple of times (ADD was going haywire I tell you). Great experience and would definitely do it again /s :slight_smile: