The diffrence beetween scatter and storm arrow

scatter arrow: scatter was fair, in my opinion. It wasnt fun though and it felt unfair. The issue people had with scatter was people used it in ways it was not used the way it was intended to be used in. it was not intended to have 400 damage, or the ability to one shot tanks.

The issue was the way people used it in, not the ability itself

Storm arrow: the ability itself is unfair, its not fun to play against and it feels unfair. The ability has 400 damage by design, its not an exploit, its not by skill, its four hundred damage, that also gets headshots, with no draw backs either.

This is not fair


All they need to do is remove the headshot on storm arrows and keep it as a barrier buster and emergency anti-flank that is not going to instagib the flanker.

That being said, I did prefer Scatter.


Scatter is better, because it requires skill to do work

Storm doesn’t require skill because of its spammy nature

Scatter does most 400 damage

Storm does most 800+


It’s either deletes tanks by looking at there feet
Or headshots with a rapid fire bow :thinking:

Both are equally bad for similar reasons.


But at least scatter could be fully eaten by D.Va
Storm cant, unless the hanzo is just spamming

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Storm Arrows shouldn’t headshot, otherwise it’s fine and I’d rather take this instead of Scatter.


I do like storm arrow more and think either it or the rest of Hanzo can be balanced. That being said, if they had just made scatter not scatter forwards, but rather outwards upon hitting a floor, that probably would’ve solved a bunch of gripes about it.

Storm arrows just shouldn’t be able to headshot and scatter just shouldn’t have been able to be shot on the ground. Some things are an easy fix.

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Oh please ,that’s a lie and you know it ,I have 30 hours on pre-rework hanzo and it certainly wasn’t hard looking at someone’s feet.


But DVa can eat scatter fully, she cant eat storm fully, not if the hanzo is experienced

Everyone complains about Hanzo being a no skill hero: he just spams storm arrow bla bla bla, and their best solution is to remove skill shots like headshots?

Like what?


That doesn’t change that scatter wasn’t hard to use

Storm Arrow lets you know it’s coming. Get behind a tank or Wall when you see Hanzo power up

Without headshots, it would just be a straight nerf to scatter. If they reduced the damage by 5 more though, then headshots would be good for it since body shots wouldn’t be as valuable

But I am not great with hanzo back then, and now I am good, only because of storm

Sorry, what? You said Scatter was fair? and then said it felt unfair?

That’s because it was unfair. No other ability can instantly delete tanks like that–no, not even Storm Arrow. Unlike Scatter, Storm Arrow requires a touch more precision because you have to actually aim for a critbox to maximize damage, its damage is spread over a total of ~1.5 seconds (allowing counterplay), can’t be held indefinitely, and it requires multiple shots. Scatter required you to aim at feet, killed instantly (minimizing the amount of counterplay), could be held indefinitely (GG Defense Matrix), and took one shot.

And it felt really bad for the Hanzo to use, only for his arrow to hit some minute weird geometry and wind up useless

There is no sense in which I can agree that Scatter was more fair than Storm Arrow

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This goes to show you barely even played any hanzo back when scatter was a thing and when hanzo was reworked.

You aim at their feet, insta kill any squishy or zarya.

You’re telling me you can reliably hit every single storm arrow? Watch gm streamers, they hit around 2-3 shots total.

He has the potential to do 800 damage, but your chance so of that are so low. Reaper has the potential to one shot a squishy with his primary, yet no one claims thats op

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I said no headshots for storm arrows