The difference between Perks

Sojourn Perks : Sticky Disruptor Shot, Two Escape Abilities, 15 more ammo etc etc

Mei Perks : Longer wall ability (like he’s gonna stand that long), range of primary fire (the most useless left click ever), and 70 dmg when iceblock … The only thing “decent”, and it’s not even that great is the slow with right click.

They already have so much trouble balancing their heroes that they add things to make them even less balanced :nerd_face:

(I didnt even talk yet about Ana’s Perks)

Which is literally what they are going for.

Or in their words… Forget perfect balance and focus on having fun.

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I wasn’t able to test yet but isn’t the sticky disruptor shot technically a ohk that can kill 4? sure healers need to be afk for this… but hey junk does less dmg so thumps up i guess.

Lol balance. Who cares.

LifeWeaver and Illari at least

Esport btw

Which doesn’t need balance. That is where bans and such come in.

MR is about to go down the esport route too, without any real sense of balance.