The devs must be feeling a lot of pressure

Look, i get it, we shouldn’t feel “sorry” for them and that it is their job to make content for Overwatch.

But, at the end of the day, i can’t help but putting myself in their shoes and imagining the amount of pressure that I would feel as a human being working under those circumstances.

I, the consumer and costumer, WANT to complain about the lack of content, the huge delay of OW2, BUT… my sense of humanity always kicks in before my sense of gaming.

It IS their job but… Work can be hard! Just like any other job out there! And we are under no obligation to “support” or “feel bad” for the people doing their job

But STILL… I can’t help but feel sorry for the developers of Overwatch these days, they’ve been through so much criticism and pressure and it’s getting worse and worse every couple of months it seems…

Sorry guys, at the end of day, these “developers” are human just like you and i, they feel, have emotions, they cry, get angry, they eat, sleep and drink, they have thoughts.

Developers? It must be hard going through all of this, i feel you… But there is no denying that this is your job, and you should try to SOMEWHAT explain the things that are going on behind the scenes to us, your costumers.

Don’t feel too pressurized, please do your work, and please keep the community updated, it is your duty without question.


lets not forget that theyre in “get it out mode”…the previous leak basically…so pressure from both community and company itself

so this is being delayed despite the fact that theyre in “crunch” mode…but according to people they have nothing to work on and they should just launch it tomorrow

I mean if they don’t like it they can always find a better job. Some of them apparently have even moved to valorant already.

No worries. They don’t read the forums anymore :smiley:


sure they are human and they also did squat for 2 whole years, I mean if I sat on my job and did nothing for 2 years I’m pretty sure I’d be either fired or yelled at, it’s not an unreasonable reaction specially given the fact that all they have shown seems more like smoke and mirrors than actual content and they refuse to share their plan

Its always: there’s gonna be missions!
instead of: there’s X missions per character and Y extra missions tied to plot points

so… they do nothing for 2 years, they cover it by straight up lying constantly on their media, they refuse to clear the air over and over again, they delay content for 2 more years, they “announce” it through an earnings call and then they come here and say that they “understand our feelings” which is basically mocking everyone that has expressed their frustrations and we’re supposed to feel bad for them? sorry but no


I mean. I feel sorry for some of the lower downs, like the art guys and the media guys who have pretty much been carrying the game on their back despite having absolutely nothing to work with. Nobody is mad at the guy who makes skins.

But, like. Even if we assume staffing isn’t great, even if we assume COVID made certain tasks harder, even if we assume a lot of time was spent on the engine and PVP and other things they’re not willing to show us for whatever reason (these days I’m inclined to believe that they simply have nothing to show.) It’s been two years and they just showed us a PVP build that looks like a custom match that was put together by one guy in two hours.

I’m not worried about hurting the PVP team’s feelings because at this point I’m not even sure that they exist. Certainly whoever is working on PVP hasn’t put in nearly enough work to justify feeling disappointed by this reception.

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I hope the workers aren’t crunched half to death but the criticisms are well deserved, the leadership made their bed, now they lie in it.

Just to be clear the actual devs shouldn’t be targets here, decision making forked up, it’s their body dump, no need for the autopsy.


Agreed, the problems largely lie with corporate upper management. They’re always hurting for engineers yet the pay is substandard and the work environment across blizz is ugly enough to have a few lawsuits over.

the moment they decided balancing for owl is worth more than balancing for the community is the time which made me realise that they don’t care so . . . . . . why should the community care?
it sucks, but people need to understand:

  1. good games take time to develop (assuming they work on ow2 after all)
  2. the lawsuit hit them harder than expected

You act like the devs decided to do this rather than being an overall Blizzard strategy since forever. Probably the WORST part of working at Blizzard is the fact that you have to keep quiet about everything you’re doing…

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Your complaints about this don’t fall at the feet of some from front line low level developer. The state of the game is due to someone far up the chain who is paid more than enough to handle any criticism of the various management decisions they’ve made that have resulted in the current state the games are in :man_shrugging:t2:

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A lot of their skins are actually outsourced. They’re made by artists who are freelance or working for companies that specialize in doing cosmetics. A company in germany does a lot of their skins.


I feel there would be a lot less pressure on devs if they just communicated well. If we knew at least a little about the development of the game, it might be less fustrating.
With almost complete radio silence since 2019 other than 3 live streams that all happened this year, and from what the community knows about the game, it seemed like they would be finishing it at least next year. And then we just got a news drop from a source outside of the dev team not to expect it until 2023.
Even now, no one from the actual dev team (that works on the game) made any response to this, only the poor community lead that has to go through all of the backlash.

There’s no sympathy in this dojo!

Sadly, nowdays we live in this “culture” of entitlement and insensitivity. There is a lot of people who can’t understand the things you say, or simply don’t care, don’t have the empathy for it. I still believe that the majority of people are not like that, is just that the ones who are make the most noise.