The Devs hate Symmetra and those who main her

Im kinda surprised there are still ppl who think her ult is useless and to “just walk through it”

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Sweetie, you have your own thread for that. Beat it

Honestly, Blizzard only listened to pro’s when “reworking” Symmetra. That’s why they got rid of her auto-lock weapon(which actually made her UNIQUE), ruined her secondary orb(the only thing that was actually GOOD against barriers apart from Sompra’s EMP), reduced her turret amount(which was a healthy amount at 6), and gave her the “Mercy treatment” with her teleport and Photon Barrier. There were COUNTLESS other threads that had wonderful ideas to give her simple buffs and QoL changes, but I doubt that anyone form Blizzard even took the time to consider reading them. The only ones that really knew how 2.0 Symmetra worked were the ones that spent hours playing her and learning her strengths and weaknesses.


That’s not the issue here. Her ULT is very useful and I can use it. If you’re unconvinced look at the last two videos on my Twitter. @SandyK1LL

I wasnt talking about you, just others who said it in this thread.

best is that they claim to read the forums. Last time someone posted other than about PTR was to address the “Devs hate Tanks thread” in September

There should be a “Devs hate Symmetra” thread just to see what they do.

cool, pal. Just checking

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Who we kiddin’?

Symmetra, Mercy and the other heroes are being ignored now 'cause Blizzard doesn’t give a f* anymore. They just gigglesnort while they make all the money from OWL and whatnot.

We’ll see. If it gives us answers then it will be constructive.

Thank god another Symm Post! The devs cant ignore us anymore! She needs to get buffed!! She doesn’t have AUTOLOCK anymore so go AHEAD GIVE HER A STRAIGHT BUFF!


Im tired of the devs ignoring us. Please guys post more about symm! She needs help!

I haven’t seen Sym in OWL…$um$ who gets more prioritie$

Ive pretty much given up on OW since her rework. Revert please

Most pros players are Genji and Tracer too. Getting rid of auto lock makes not sweat anymore. They knew developers would cave into it since Genji and Tracer are the spotlight heroes of this franchise.

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Gotta have sweet sword plays for the packed stadiums /s

They just have no idea what they want from her. If they gave her throwable turrets. And let her fashion health pack spawn points from hard light she could have been a good off healer. There would have been a place for her new ULT there too.

They just chucked stuff at a wall to see what stuck and unfortunately she’s where she is now.

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Still love playing Sym but they did stomp on her identity she still manipulates the fight with turrets and portals like she used to but she lost TWO core aspects to her kit barrier piercing secondary and lock on primary she still functions in a very similar way but not similar enough she lost to many aspects of her core identity


She doesn’t even have a good primary to compensate for it.

Yer her primary is utter garbage people used to FEAR getting in range of Sym now they just brush her away unless shes already at max rank. they should of kept the old beam change the damage values to 60-90-120 the only problem with the old beam from syms perspective was it dealt kitten lick damage at first and then just deleted everything in front of you at rank 3 xD

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