The Mercy players complain immediately.
These forums are awesome.
The next time the devs announce a Mercy buff (Or revert) in an Overwatch Developer Update they should play Despacito in the background.
The Mercy players complain immediately.
These forums are awesome.
The next time the devs announce a Mercy buff (Or revert) in an Overwatch Developer Update they should play Despacito in the background.
there’s a difference between buff and revert dear.
A partial revert.
its just a revert to one of the most hated parts of her kit, did you expect them not to complain, I garuntee not half as many people would complain if it was a straight healing buff to 55, even if some would complain because its still not fixing the core issues people have with her
This is a revert disguised as a buff. Don’t even start.
Still forward progress none the less.
Last time I checked a revert is what you were asking for…I guess now that it’s started to happen you have to find something new to complain about.
Not if the thing being reverted is a nerf.
It’s also not a revert… it’s specifically adding healing in Valkyrie.
FIrst people said bug fixes cant also be called buffs, now they try to say a hero getting buffs, isnt a buff. It directly made the hero stronger, it is a buff. It can be a buff and a revert at the same time.
It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, and…
Yeah it’s a revert and a buff. All rolled into one. I find that pretty funny. Everyone got what they wanted!
Based on the OP’s logic, if I steal 100 dollars from someone and then give them back 10 they should be happy
Yea, instead she should have remained OP for more than 11 months.
And while every other healer worked for their money, Mercy robbed a bank. Kind of makes sense she would have to give some of it back.
I have the feeling you didn’t read the patch notes properly.
60 HPS only applies to Valk.
That’s not what anyone wants and you know it
Don’t get me started. I am appalled at my community ungratefulness and spoilt attitude.
I’ve seen threads ranging from this isn’t what we asked for to wow these are bad buffs.
It generally makes me angry, I am literally the most volatile person on the forums right now and I’m prepared to be made a villain.
You have very little understanding of the situation.
They reverted her healing but ONLY DURING HER ULTIMATE. She was already terrible when her healing was 60, because her healing wasn’t the problem. Going from -10 to -9 isn’t anything to be happy about.
So, if you don’t understand the problem here, I can only believe you either don’t play her enough to understand how insignificant this change is, or you are a troll trying to undermine Mercy players…
i swear its all pre-written responses some times…one day (and by one day i actually mean never) there will be a revert and the forums will get flooded with complaints before they realize they actually listened to them
A quarter of a revert actually.