The "Devs don't play their own game" claim

of course it’s the problem, that’s almost exactly what the next paragraph i wrote said :smile:

To be fair, standard business practice is that all new product development and project management originates in marketing.

me looking at infinite tp with its horrid long down time making sym as static as before the rework then seeing blizz implementing both a tug-o-war game mode and doing a whole balance shift on tanks to make them reposition more i.e. shifting gameplay to be not static:
:disappointed: :anger: :unamused: :clown_face:


if u think that people that generate millions of dollars for a billion dollar company just ‘make guesses’ at what they do to their products you are a complete nutcase.

they have game testers and game designers and they inform the game developers as they make decisions as to what gets put into the game.

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Points at the rest of the triple A gaming market. Lights a cigar

If they do play the game then I dunno how the heck things like launch brig ever made it past a single play test.

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I am actually a game developer, though. Just not shooters or really multiplayer of any kind, at the moment.

Oh nice.
Although I only for sure there is 1 person being a legit Game Dev.


I call him “the Old man” on the council Discord, for well, he is XD

Oh fun fact.

Gabe only plays Dota 2 with bots XD

I firmly believe that when the devs make changes or introduce new characters, they never once consider how exactly these changes will interact with other characters. That’s how we wound up with GOATS and Sigma/Orisa.


A reason why people feel this comes down to is that depending on your skill tier, OW can be a very different for one person to the next! Devs and random people will play it to varying skill tiers and with different outlooks in mind. This being able to have many people play the same game, but have entirely different experiences is amazing.

One other issue I feel makes people think that way is… people become too attached to their main hero. I did that with Mercy when I used to main her and I see now how to close to the food my nose was in those situations. So when nerfs happen to our favorite hero, it’s rarely something that goes down well.

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With Mercy, it was a case of “X and Y happened, so we must do Z”.
Z wasn’t fair to Mercy players, but was was the end result of a chain of unfairness. I expected it to happen, knew it had to happen, but still felt bad for Mercy mains.

Specifically, Mass Rez had to die. It could only be fair in a game were kills came easy, like deleting people every 30 seconds with Hook; where one ult could kill the majority of a team.

In a game where kills became not cheap, which is what Overwatch turned into after a string of (IMO) overnerfs, undoing kills can’t be cheap either. In a game where you need to dump two or even three ults to win a team fight, burning just ONE ult couldn’t be allowed to undo all that work at the press of a button.

It sucks but that’s where allowing people to bandwagon against strong heroes lead us. That’s the direction the devs picked when they turned their back on their original design principle of everyone being powerful.


I mean Jeff has literally showed the forums screenshots of his most played heroes lol. At the very least, they can’t say that the devs don’t play their own game.


Jeff is a Gold tank player. Not sure about Geoff Goodman. As far as we know, those are the only two in charge of balancing and designing heroes. It would be really nice to know if they got input from actual competitive players at any point during the process.

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I do think they play their own game now and then (no idea how often). They definitely DO NOT value the same aspects of the game that I did. Basically, I used to be included in the target demographic at launch, but then they changed their mind and decided that players that value things I value should not be enjoying the game anymore because other players / another demographic was more important.


This. They shifted gears partway through and that is why everyone is so divided.


the heroes of storm team said it explicit: we didnt have time to play our own game
it is the same with overwatch

"People that worked on that game were underwater all the time and were super stressed. Whereas other franchises, they have a big patch once every three months so they got to like sit around in the office and play video games and it’s like nope, everyone who was working on Heroes was constantly working, constantly working overtime to make it all happen."

Dormammu I’ve come to bargain again.

ever since their main focus became owl the game went down the dumpster


In terms of taking control away from the player. On Hanamura attack, I played as Zarya. In one go I was slept by Ana, stunned by Doomfist, knocked back by Hammond and frozen by Mei. The next round after respawning, I was hooked by Roadhog, knocked into the gate by Hammond, frozen by Mei, slept by Ana and stun-locked by Doomfist.

This makes me wonder as well if the developers even play their own game, because despite the bubble and dancing around, it was impossible to gain control of my character again and retort, and I couldn’t do much either. This basically means that the only tanks you can effectively play, is Reinhardt and Orisa. The rest are just stun-lock galore against such a combination.

This is also why I hate Doomfist with a passion, the entire concept of this hero is just terrible. He revolves around stun-locking you, and that was never fun. In an MMO like Wow per example, you have abilities and trinkets to get out of a stun-lock. They learned already way back in vanilla with rogues that permanent stun-lock was not fun. Strange then - especially taken into consideration that Jeff has worked on WoW - that they have that setup in Overwatch, without even a hint of diminishing returns.

So I hope that one day they’ll get tired of gutting tanks and support, and actually nerf the living life out of CC. I don’t care if that means deleting Doomfist, I’d consider it a bonus if he was deleted.