The devs are cooking

This last statment quote has solidified my hope for this game even more.

1 “unhealthy” and unpopular are 2 different things, I swear to god they were specifically refering to Lifeweaver here as well as a few others, I get “Reworks” and sfuff but most heros still have basically the same kit (Only truly changed hero was Orisa who I guess straight up wouldn’t work in 5v5) but thank you for assuring you’ll never take our heros away from us and why we love them.

There’s definitely a few “Hiccups” with some reworks like I do miss old translocator like a lot (Still wish it healed her that would fix like everything), but the abilities not gone.

Also let me make this clear for all of you who may be hard of hearing, this is a team game, no amount of harsh words, digging to get under someones skin, criticism, saying this or that, or pretending to be some intellectual genius will change that.

If you don’t like high speed racing movement games like sonic it’s simple turn the game off and go play you some assassins creed.

If you don’t like team games like OW, remember this weather it be money, support, there popularity and plablisty.

You hold absolutely nothing over the devs heads in this regard.

And hay Cod, or soul calibur 6 could always use more players.

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I meaaaann if they took Mauga away and released him in a new form and wanted us to act like nothing ever happened I wouldn’t like complain or anything.

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This but they should rework every hero released after July 2016 and give us 6v6 back
And D.VA’s old DM and Bomb

This is a great quote, but it’s a shame that it’s used an excuse to dismiss how tank countering ruins the experience for many of us.

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This post reads like a drunk shill trying to do his job. I honestly don’t even understand what the purpose of this post is. It’s just posting a dev quote and then rambling about stuff unrelated to the quote.

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In broader context, a post user was talking about how tank counterwatch is an issue and asking if they have any real plans to fix it.

Their response was a fancy way of saying, “Deal with it, this is how it’s going to be.”

I have no idea why you think that’s encouraging.


im sure they have some of the interns shill on the forums/perform forumslides (burying unfavorable posts when they dont outright delete them)

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I wasn’t referring to tank counter watch with this post just the general notion of team work and hero swapping for all.

You need to read context.

Read the questions the poster asked. Then read how the dev literally ignores those questions and says “Counterswapping is a part of the game.” As if “If you don’t like this, you’re doing it wrong.”

It’s extremely tone deaf.

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Ahh my apologies I read it differently, I see how your perspective might be more accurate, tho I doubt anyone will actually scroll down to see this correction.