The devs are bunch of gaslighters

gaming went from a hobby to people’s identity or “part time job” TBH…not saying that about OP, but I’ve came across a lot of people who are in that spot for sure.

I remember hearing a guy talk about how he played COD for 10hrs and got a spray and recolored skin out of the battlepass, when back in the day you used to play COD for 10hrs and hop off cause you had fun or just to get a prestige emblem that meant nothing.

Times were just different back then, there weren’t as many terminally online gamers.


They can write whatever they want in the blogs though… if you watched that video with the two devs getting interviewed a couple weeks or so ago, they literally laughed at the their own comment that people could ever think matchmaking is making tilt games.
That right there showed their actual attitude and how they are view how broken it is vs how their social media people make posts to pretend they care at all.
That was the REAL view from the devs on fixing matchmaking, not the pretty paragraphs they write, edit, and rewrite to look good.

With only 48 posts bro you’re far newer than I am

We’re talking about the same company that removed things in the past and when asked for it to return, was told ‘sorry, we can’t do that, we delete every old iteration so it’s impossible to get back’.

Like, who deletes an old build as soon as a new one rolls out? Or at all??? It’s always a good idea to save major builds in case anything goes wrong with a current build or you decide to fall back because where you ended up, wasn’t where you were headed.

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Sorry newbie, the old game had a progression system. “Diamond borders” were a thing before ow2. What op said was that they “removed” stuff we once had which is obviously noticeable by old players.

It’s their game, not yours… Don’t like it or what they do? Stop playing and stop giving money to them. If enough people actually do that, they will notice and make changes. Something tells me that 99% of players don’t care though. I mean look what happened with the last big boycott of a big game… You know, that one with the wizards and stuff that went on to sell like 10 or 15 million copies in the first couple weeks, despite the vocally loud minority making it seem like everyone was going to boycott buying it?

So given that they aren’t changed much with OW2 right now, it’s pretty safe to say they’re making some amount of expected revenue from it, in spite of the echo-chamber complaining here on the forums by the thousand people that whine here…

Someone who artificially wants to inflate amount of work they do.

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They’re never bringing back the ability to earn skins for free. Anything we get for “free” will be either time spent(you can’t get time back) or the mediocre garbage that they know would never sell. The game is dead until they reverse this amongst 100s of other things.

You are definitely trolling me. What’s the difference between a “building” and “making” a match, please?

Yes, and those say that they will apply a fix or already applied, thus indicating that everything is great.

My memory is great, and my mind is in a great state. At least in a normal state where I wouldn’t allow myself to straight up deny reality and speak against common sense. You see their direct messages, you say it’s not what they say. They say “green” you say, “they didn’t say green.” I don’t know how to argue against this.

That was probably a lie, tbh.

Old files and versions are rarely deleted like that. An old version of the game doesn’t just cease to exist.

Could be truth, since disk space costs money, and reverts isn’t something Blizzard usually does.

Keeping old versions of software is good software development practice, but it’s not mandatory rule.

Finally some truth among the sea of lies and complaining in the overwatch forums, go off king :crown:

Still, I would doubt it. Even with Blizzard being… well, Blizzard.

I won’t, as cutting corners wherever you can seems to be their motto, and backups are one of those areas no one remembers about, until, well, your system is crashed and you need to restore data.

From manager’s POV, whole backup system looks like waste of money and resources - saving old software versions, maintaining backup in working condition, and all of that for situation, that rarely happens.

You know there’s a good ol’ saying that it’s better to be dumb and be silent about it than it is to open your mouth and prove it to everyone. Not only did you walk in being called out directly in the OP, but you shilled for the most horrible and hated change for that the game ever has had. If this is a troll reply, it’s a perfect 5/7 one at that sheesh :muscle::leftwards_hand::weary:

Exactly, and what’s pathetic is that every other game allows you to get the currency back but overwatch mislead players into thinking it was the same currency.

Glad I didn’t buy the battle pass not even on my main.

Fair enough.

You could be right… but I do hope you aren’t.

removing aspects of the game we had before was likely because they weren’t finished, they needed to rush the product to make money on skins, so they removed them from the game.

then, like you said, they will re-introduce them under the guise of “look, we’re doing something”, all the while doing piece-meal on an unfinished game.

still not a single dev aknowladged the absolutely massive amount of people that want earnable lootboxes back.

Okay, you want to limit earnable coins and credits to timeframes like “max 60 coins a week” or “1500 credits per season”?

Fine, but 9 weeks for 1 skin is ridiculous in a game with nearly 3000 cosmetic items.
If I could only earn 4 random one each week via a lootbox weekly challenge, it still would take over 10 years to unlock most stuff.

a game that discourages grinding items, is a dead game

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Isn’t it the whole point, to ensure, that you will pay real money to unlock them?