The devs are bunch of gaslighters

Because many people don’t care about it anymore, which really hurts competitive pricks. Need new area to feel superior in, until people stop caring about it as well.

some people not caring doesn’t mean it shouldn’t happen. there aren’t any downsides to including things that some can enjoy and others can ignore completely if they choose to

Yes, it shouldn’t, for the sake of “reducing toxicity”.

Hard to ignore something being shoved right in your face.

You quoted only the one part from only one text that is advantageous for your thesis statement. \

Here some Quotes for you as well


They are making a “great” matchmaking in their opinion. Isn’t it gaslighting?

We’ve made changes to the game addressing some of these issues. Events now typically have skins that can be earned


I don’t even want to continue at this point.

what toxicity? OW1 gave rewards, as barebones as the progression in that game was, it still gave you things to work towards that everybody could unlock

or maybe I’m just not understanding your point

Which created inequality in environment, where players supposed to be equal.

Do we really need to add more ways for players to feel superior, compared to other players?

but they weren’t based on anything. the skins are purely cosmetic and aren’t indicative of anybody’s skill

they’re just cool things to equip

So you are not cool, if you don’t have them.

You are cool if you have them. I have some rare skins that is removed from the game now, and it makes me happy. Am I crazy for that?

No, but I don’t think, that adding even more of that is good idea.

has that ever been a thing? I don’t think anybody judges a person for having a different skin in a video game

It’s always been a thing, just people rarely openly say it.

obviously I can only talk from my own experience, but not once, in the years i’ve been playing this game has somebody’s equipped skin been a point of contention

at most i’ll think “that’s a cool skin” and move on

there’s no superiority complex when everybody has the same opportunity to unlock things

I played TF2, and it’s a thing - you are newbie, if you got no hats or only achievement-locked ones.

Same in Overwatch - players with default skin are considered newbies, as they didn’t unlock anything yet.

but those are achievement-based skins, which this game doesn’t have, only sprays

skins are universally available to players except paid or event-based ones

Still need to unlock them over time, so default skin = didn’t play much yet = newbie.

Thesis statement? Really?

And no, I quoted the relevant part, since your entire argument about them gaslighting us was focused around them was creating ‘new’ features that were actually things they took away.

Which they’re not doing. At all.

They’ve said they’re working on matchmaking improvements (there are blog posts which go into this in detail. This specific blog that we’re talking about is a 6-month retrospective that isn’t focused on specific topics, but Aaron does mention that there are matchmaking issues).

And yes, events now typically do have skins that can be earned for free without needing to try your luck at gambling (which is how most event skins were earned in OW1). I fail to see how that’s gaslighting by pointing out that fact.

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sure but that’s always going to be a factor with every multiplayer game ever. past, present and future.

I don’t think the best approach is to simply remove all progression-based items just because new players won’t have unlocked them yet

For game like Overwatch, it causes hostility, since no one wants newbies on their team. And while Blizzard did remove many ways to identify a new inexperienced players, skins still serve that purpose.

and adding a progression system would change that perception since they’ll be able to unlock more stuff and not stand out so much