I as the leader of the Brigitte Spaghetti Movement will talk about this delete brig movement and why it’s trash.
The delete Brigitte movement seems to promote toxicity against people who actually like Brigitte as a hero.
Also, the pro player that started this movement, don’t play Doomfist against a Brigitte. Brigitte has many counters and Doomfist is honestly a dumb hero to play against Brigitte as BRIGITTE COUNTERS MOBILITY. Brigitte can be unfun but demanding a hero be deleted so you can easily play Doomfist or Tracer without being countered is not the way to do this. If you hate playing against a Brigitte and finding ways to counter her, you should stop playing Overwatch
Also I’m gonna change my name on battle net to Kristal. Not DeleteBrig
It’s pretty damn stupid, yes.
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Honestly the deletebrig movement just promotes toxicity
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Flat Earth and Anti vaccine are more stupid. Yet here we are. Some people just like to stick to their belives even if they are horribly wrong.
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This whole thing makes me angry. Learn her counters before acting like children
Yeah It’s pretty stupid… people are only overreacting. All this will die after a week and people will forget about it
I can tell, but hey there is no cure for stupidity except natural selection, so… Idunno
I love watching grown men weep over pixels.
If people hate Brigitte they need to stop playing the game
I mean we could have said the same to support mains when tracer was one clipping them
but they complained and were given brigitte.
That’s because tracer had no counters. She was zippy and did a lot and nothing stopped her. Brigitte is a necessary evil
Ehh she offers so much with really low skills, I don’t want the hero removed just to be clear but I think her kit is way too strong even in the hands of an unexperienced player…
Whenever I do pick her I feel i’m actually good at the game which is ehh.
Her healing (E) I hate that… I hate the instant heal with out any skill involved in using it ( also hate nano boosts healing too as it’s practically similar)
I don’t play a lot of tracer but I’ve had games where I just wasn’t dealing damage at all due to the armor she provided along with me having to out play her while sge brainleslly has an edge over me.
Now as for tanks… it’s hell her shield bash you just can’t counter it if you’re on Rein you just stand there waiting to get nashed and shattered it’s dumb… Geof stated that they talked about removing her ability to shield bash someone if there’s a shield but idk if they’ll go through it.
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She should be at most reworked so that she does her job of countering mobility but she shouldn’t be nerfed