The D.Va Short Was Great!

It was so nice to wake up to another Overwatch short early this morning, and it was a great start to my day! The visuals were as good as ever, the water especially was B-E-A-utiful! As for the plot, it was cool too, you got to see more of D.Va and how she really doesn’t care about all the fame that she has, and cares so much about protecting her country that she has PTSD flashbacks of what could’ve gone wrong. There’s a classic moral story of never needing to do something alone, and it’s ok to ask for help.

Overall I really enjoyed it!


It did look really nice. beyond that :sweat_smile:

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It was a good short, Dva was epic.:heart:

And cute

Lore wise, it was very disappointing. Nothing really happened, just kind of there sitting there in the Overwatch time line.

No mentions of other charcters or anything so we are back to square one.

Great short overall, one of my favorites, but leaves a lot to be desired.

Blizzcon is our last hope🤗


IJS y’all worship honor and glory which didn’t advance the story at all then hate on the one for doing the same thing

And rise and shine

And dragons

And hero

And alive

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It was a poorly written short for a poorly written character. That’s all there is to say.

It begins with the classic “I can do this on my own” trope, and resolves with “Yay friendship wooo”. Boring and horrifically cliche.

Literally the only thing we learned about Dva’s personality is that she feels bad about her own popularity, and that she’s on constant high-alert. Other than that, Dva’s animated short has no reason to exist

We weren’t introduced to the rest of her mecha squad (doing so would’ve immediately raised the value of this failed cinematic significantly), and it took 9 months to deliver this.


What’s poorly written about “Pro Gamer turned defender of omnic evil”?
Sure, being an adult the whole “You don’t have to go it alone” trope is redundant on us, but the younger audience will love this!

I just can’t wrap my head around why people are making themselves so upset about this short, furthermore, setting such a high bar on one video. Even though the last short was about 9 months ago, that does not mean it took them 9 months to make this.

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They have said multiple times that it often takes more than a year just to produce one animated short. When the result is as disappointing as this, it seems like such a waste.

If you can’t wrap your head around why people are upset about this short, I’d suggest researching ‘what makes a good story’.

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Too much action and no lore. That is the problem with Overwatch shorts. There needs to be a short that is slow paced (like the movie Ex Machina) that is only about story and has very little action. That type of animated short is the best IMO. One that just focuses on lore.

“A good story” is a blanket subjective statement, and as I said before Overwatch isn’t only targeted towards grown adults, thus a simplistic moral.

Jeff has said it himself, the whole reason for the animated shorts is because that’s one of the few avenues that Blizzard has for lore, besides comics. And this animated short gave us next to no lore, and is therefore not fit for purpose.

How is character growth not lore? Just because it doesn’t pertain to the main Overwatch storyline? Much like how Bastion was in a forest for the entirety of his short, completely unrelated to the main storyline.

Lmao like as if rise and shine didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know from the map